Teacher's message 07.12.2018

teacherWe continue our communication, and we will speak on topics of current importance to you. But first I have to express my opinion about the situation on the planet. How many times have I spoken about the Earth, and this topic is inexhaustible. This topic is now worrying many people who are involved in tug of war in different directions. The situation is unstable, and you know it. There is a sharp fluctuation at the level of energy flows. And this, of course, has its reflection in the world of matter.

Why is this happening? First of all, because the energy level in this period is in test mode. As I said, the process of transformation, change and expansion of the frequency corridor, which is caused by changes in the mode of raising vibrations that are necessary at the present moment, is very slow. What is the vibration corridor now? With minimal fixed changes, additions. Recently, the process of change has been slowed down and even partially stopped, because the vibration discrepancy has led to spontaneous manifestations in many areas of the Earth. At certain moments, these processes became extremely dangerous and uncontrollable, and therefore we had to suspend the active phase of the process. Only to suspend, but the process itself, as I said earlier, is impossible to stop completely. The earth is changing its vibrations now in the background, but the process itself is running, like a ball that rolls downhill from the mountain. Yes, I said rolls down, and our task is to change the trajectory so that the ball starts picking up speed, first move horizontally, and then move up. And this, as you understand, is a rather difficult task, which contradicts the laws of physics. From here you can assume that only a miracle can activate a process, or a process that your science has never known before. And she does not know much.

I'm talking about changing the axis of the earth. And in this period, as I explained earlier, this is a process that is associated with jewelry precision. Any inaccuracies can lead to the activation of the forces of Nature - the elements - and the response of the Earth, which can be unpredictable. I am talking about the process in which we are participating, I am talking about transformations on planet Earth. They do exist, and it goes without saying that taking into account many mistakes, the process will enter the active phase again. At the same time, not only we have intensified our work, in parallel with us other worlds have entered the active phase, which use this moment for their own purposes.

I consider it premature to talk about interactions and situations with other worlds of the solar system, because fluctuations and instability do not allow fixing the result.

Currently, there have been changes in the paradigm of human consciousness. The point of stability has been shaken, set in motion, and a slight shift has become possible. Concerning millions of years of consciousness sleeping in an embryonic state, I can answer that this is not so. I have already said more than once that the first civilizations with high-level spiritual knowledge showed the development of the You-Gods program in the active phase. Many had achievements of a high level and order, and it seemed that the forward movement was set and the trajectory of movement would grow steadily. And so it was - civilizations reached the level of prosperity, the level of the Golden Age - the century of prosperity and prosperity. It is impossible to say about those people that their consciousness was in a state of degradation, on the contrary, their consciousness was in an active phase of revealing all its capabilities. Man entered the phase of creation, like the Creator, and began the process of modeling forms, making various experiments. Many species of living beings began their existence in the open form precisely as a result of these actions. Work with plasma, plasmoids was carried out then. And she had an extraordinary result. This is the start of the program, which was launched under the Supreme Control. But what happened after? How did the fall happen and why is your memory closed? You know the story of the Tower of Babel, it has a clue. Man dreamed of reaching the level of God, and this was laid down in the original program. But there was a deviation, a deviation from many truths, commandments and laws. It was similar to how the Creators would have stopped fulfilling the Higher Will, the Will of the Absolute, the Higher Reason, and would have begun to ignore His decrees. This would be the collapse of our Universe, only in this case the big bang could occur, and our Universe could be torn apart. Something similar happened here. Having lost the connection with the Creator, having severed the connection with Him, people have led the planet to a global catastrophe, and not one. The Earth has gone through many fatal crises, lost the civilization that had great achievements in evolutionary development ... but the planet itself was saved and preserved. The memory is closed precisely for this reason, the reason for security, for opening memory in a period when there are no achievements in self-management and control can lead to collapse. And this can no longer be tolerated.

Bringing the frequency level across the planet to unity is our task. Changes on the planet without victims and tragedies - our task. Raising the level of consciousness with the opening of the corridor of new technologies is our task. We want to return stability and security to this world. We want to restore the original basis, a framework that will allow us to accept new knowledge in the active mode of the new time.

We wish you good and justice in everything. Let everything untrue, dead, pernicious, everything blocking the path to new energies will be destroyed and the world will see the dawn of the new Sun again!

So be it!

Christ the Teacher

November 7.12.2018, XNUMX