Heading: New Messages of the Master Christ

Message from the Teacher 05.09.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX. Who is to blame for starting the war in Ukraine?

Today we will, as we intended earlier, talk about the state of planet Earth, about the changes that we expect in the near future. So, you understand that changes on the planet are inevitable. They will concern many, many spheres of human life, for a grandiose restructuring will take place, attunement to new, harmonious rhythms and flows of the Universe, and primarily to the rhythms and...

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Message from the Teacher 02.09.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX. About Ukraine, its people and its history

We are moving further, moving towards our goal, towards the work that is now being carried out according to the planned plan, work to update all the energy components of the planet. I started my conversation about this back in 2000, and now this conversation is in an active phase, and we are doing everything possible to explain to you the essence of the events currently taking place. And you can ask the question: it is known...

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Message from the Teacher 26.08.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX. About Ukraine, its people and its history

We continue our work in conditions that are extremely difficult and, for most, uncertain. We are moving towards our goal - a New World on a peaceful Earth. What does Ukraine and its people have to do with it? Yes, this is an important question, and a lot depends on understanding the answer to it. Ukraine is a country located in the center of Europe. The location of Ukraine determines...

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Message from the Teacher 31.08.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the beginning of a new stage in learning, about closed memory

So today we can give a preparatory lesson. And it will be to some extent decisive for our future work. And now I will give a definition of the very essence of the work. What I'm talking about? Why study? The essence of teaching is to gain knowledge, and you are well aware of this. Knowledge is Light, it helps a person to realize himself as a person. For, ...

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Message from the Teacher 20.07.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the essence of what is happening now and about vaccines

So, we continue our communication, and today I will start a new topic, which will, perhaps, correspond to the interests of thinking people, and this is a comparison of what is happening in the world of Space and the world of the Earth. There is always such a correspondence, for you know that what is above is also below. And it really is like a mirror image, how the blue sky and clouds are reflected in the flowing waters. But, as you know, there is ...

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Message from the Teacher 25.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. The stage of combining knowledge. Practice of working with the element of air

So, we will continue our work, and it will continue in a new key, in the key, again, of a new time. What I'm talking about? Why am I repeating the same words? We are approaching an important stage of alignment. And what do you think about which combination am I talking about? First of all, about combining many positions of knowledge. Everything should be combined, or, as at the moment of the parade of the planets, become in ...

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Message from the Teacher 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. Summing up and a new stage in modeling the future of the Earth

Today we will be able to summarize, or identify the results of our common work. And the first thing I should note is the increased level of understanding. But the final result has not been revealed. You have correctly noted that now I am not an inhabitant of the Earth and therefore I have no right to express, that is to impose, my will in the process of forming a common thought, a common movement of thought in the direction ...

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Message from the Teacher 11.05.2021. About the present and about modeling the future

We continue our communication, the essence of which is the establishment of the main and immutable truths: all living beings have the ability to communicate, accept and understand each other at different levels of interactions, including at the level of telepathic communication. Every living soul, regardless of the form of life being realized, has the opportunity to understand and accept another living soul. And the most important postulate, ...

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Message from the Teacher 04.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. About active work and creating positive thought forms of the future

So, today I will talk about real work, not about preparation, but about the work itself. Your thoughts and actions directed towards activating work are correct. It is necessary, as I said earlier, to create an active wave of positive thought forms, and it is this wave that will constitute a barrier to that unbridled force that is now trying to dictate its conditions. And this diktat is and is felt by everyone who has access to real information, to information in an open form, who ...

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Message from the Teacher 27.04.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. About current and future events

Today we will talk about a topic that is important to you. And this topic is related to the current state of affairs. What kind of business am I talking about? About the situation in the most dangerous and active points of the planet and their relationship with space situations. The first thing I would like to tell you is that the new stage takes place in harsh conditions and within the framework of special ...

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