Teacher's message 29.01.2016

teacherToday we will continue our lesson. I hope that the previous assignment gave you new knowledge about yourself and the world. It gave rise to many questions. We can look for answers to them together.

So we continue with the topic of breathing. We have already talked about the naturalness of this process. They said that there were some important changes that generally limit the capabilities of a person, and, strange as it may seem, these restrictions are associated with breathing. Violation of the rhythm of breathing led to the failure of the whole organism. And then the adaptation of all organs began, which disrupted the movement and flow of energies.

 Yes, many changes in the human body began with a violation of the rhythm of breathing. The frequency changed, the work of the entire life support system was disrupted.

First, let's take conditionally or remember the time when Adam appeared on Earth as a representative of the first people of this civilization, or race. In terms of its internal parameters and indicators, it was qualitatively different from you. What made it different?

He was given a lot. He was a holistic being. You know that. Loss of integrity, what was it?

Let's do meditation meditation. Imagine a forest that is bright in its vegetation. Multiple inhabitants live in it. Trees give fruit, filling them with their power. It is enough to walk through the forest to understand that all living things are exchanging gifts among themselves.

How, how?

Let's go deep into the original forest.

Birds, animals - small and large - are not afraid of man. The state of harmony is felt by all, it is filled with air. He gives basic nutrition. This is the air of life.

Close your eyes and say: “I breathe in the air of life, the main component of which is love!”

And take a slow breath. The feeling of radiant energy flows increases. You have absorbed the golden microparticles of the energy of love. They slowly penetrate you, and you sense their movement. These particles can be filtered. Some of them are richly golden, there are less saturated ones, there are silver ones, and there are also colorless ones that create adhesion and promote bonding with other particles. We simply see these particles in the air and inside ourselves, we observe them.

Gold particles, less bright or less gold, silver and colorless. Such basic particles are in space. When we inhale, we are filled with them. We can label them, give them names. How do you label these particles? What will you call it?

What happens to the body during breathing? Can breathing be controlled?

What has changed over the years? First of all, the filling of the atmosphere has changed. Yes it is. Now the main constituents of the atmosphere are nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and we will talk about them in more detail.

In the meantime, I will say: the proportion of these gaseous substances in the atmosphere has changed. These changes led to a disruption in the rhythm, this also led to a change in the respiratory rate, but not only. This was reflected in the connection, in the connection of each soul with the world of energies. It is as if living beings were enclosed, relatively speaking, in a flask, to which a tube is attached, through which air flows slowly and accurately, through which breathing occurs. These changes led to the loss of freedom, to its limitation.

 Breathing determines life, and all vital processes are associated with it. And the speed of thought is related to the rhythm of breathing. The less frequent the rhythm, the deeper the breathing, the higher the speed with which the thought moves. Slow breathing allows you to accumulate more energy, and spend it on other processes, using this force, including to activate thought processes. By returning, or adjusting, the correct rhythm, yes, we will be able to get into resonance with the Divine Stream, but not only - we need changes in the percentage ratio in the composition of the air. Perhaps, when reading these lines, a spasmodic reaction of resistance will immediately arise. Yes, in the current situation, any changes in this order will entail consequences. But I said that the upcoming changes will concern the human biological cell. It is the changes at the cellular level that will synchronize the breathing rhythm with the Divine Stream. They will allow you to change, qualitatively change the inner filling of the human body. And this is an evolutionary process necessary in this period. While most of the people calmly live their everyday lives, small groups of people know and remember what should happen here and strive for it.

 It is always difficult for the first swallow, it arrives when it is still cold. Little food. There are no fellows who could provide help. She arrives as a messenger of spring. But few people believe that spring is already close and is coming.

But we'll go back to where we started - to Adam. He breathes, breathes in air. It feeds on those components that it contains. Each of his cells breathes and is filled with the power of life. And the main functional task is taken over by the heart, then by the lungs. Yes, this was rightly noticed, the sizes of the lungs were different - larger, like the sizes of other organs. But can you imagine that the air had a certain component in its composition, which created a high-quality connection with the energy of life, the basis of which is the energy of love. Yes, the energy of love has a connection with certain chemical elements that have now lost their important role in the airspace of the Earth. This has changed a lot - first of all, the development plan. Can you imagine that the energy of love had a conductor at the earthly level in the form of a chemical element? This element helped to fill all living things with life energy, everything in need of it. With a decrease in the quantitative and qualitative filling of air with this element, a lot began to change and movement along the path of development became chaotic. What I am talking about can be compared to the movement of an arrow. If there is an obstacle on its way, the speed and direction of movement are lost.

I said that the new energy is now flowing to Earth. Its main component is the energy of love. It is she who will make the transfiguration. I also said that the human biological cell can not withstand the changes that are coming. Building up a quantitatively new composition, as I said earlier, is happening very gradually, in doses. But the composition is changing, and it is connected with the air and with the natural process that you call breathing. You can accept the idea that breathing can be the basis of nutrition. So far, just a thought. In order for this to happen, there is not enough of a small bundle in the chain of connections. There is not enough quantity of the element that will be a conductor for the energy of love. This element will affect all areas of life. Much depends on him. Your task is to understand this question and determine the element about which I speak.

At the beginning, I talked about the constituents of air. Try to define them. Try to understand what is at stake.

Christ the Teacher

November 29.01.2016, XNUMX