Teacher's message 26.07.2011

teacherThe time is coming when we will speak openly.
There are many obstacles in front of us, a lot of congestion, but we will be able to go around the part that hinders progress. 
We will be able to involve all the active, active part of the bright people in the work, and then at the moment of performing the actions a new force will appear, bringing renewal. 

This process has already begun. A small but powerful cohort of people who are able to see, hear and understand correctly is already showing up. At the moment when they enter into their true work, and the Gates will open - Gates of Light. 

They will accept it and begin actions of a different order. I am talking about the future, I am talking about a planet that is preparing for change. 

Everything will be smooth. Yes, it is, but it is important to be ready for any action, including open. What does it mean? Going out into the world, remember that the forces that have rallied are far from bright. They managed to unite, coordinate all actions. They personally show you their power and capabilities.

You work, but it's important to pick up the pace. It seems that everyone is working in full force - but no, it turns out, this is still far away. You still have to work in full force, while only preparation. You may not like this, but I'll put it another way - check. Yes, you have to start prepared. And now is the preparation time. 

What this is about, I will tell you later, now strive to be united. Remember that you yourself are organizing many of the processes that take place in your world. Nobody intervenes, only coordinates what is possible to produce. A crucial moment comes - a moment that can be said to be a moment of true service, a moment of unity. The Wave of Light will come to you yet. Until then, try to organize everything with the utmost precision and fidelity. Any wrong step, any ambition and inaccuracies can lead to a fatal mistake that will be difficult to correct in the present moment. 

I repeat once again: the future is determined. But you live in the present, and only your precise definition of the future will allow you to bring it as quickly as possible. You can do it. It is not in vain that you are gathered here. It is not for nothing that the concentration of the manifested forces is clearly visible in the zone of Ukraine. The great mission of this country has not yet been discovered, but this place was not chosen by chance. Here are gathered those who played a fundamental role in the history of this civilization. Here they are collected for the final liberation and manifestation of all that has been accumulated. It may be difficult for you to imagine, but there are many famous personalities next to you in their new incarnation. They, like bunches of grapes, are connected with their families, earthly and cosmic, they attracted here those with whom ties were created to solve many problems, both personal and universal. Universal tasks are associated with planetary, planetary - with systemic, systemic - with galactic. According to the matryoshka principle, each task has a similar focus, purpose, a single form, but a different amount of knowledge and, accordingly, opportunities. 

The moment will come when the fetters will be lifted from those who are not free. The main thing is to feel this moment, catch it and show your will. What is happening now is tantamount to opening a bottle that contains a genie. It is difficult to determine how all forces will behave. But you need to be prepared for the genie to be tamed. 
We will talk more about this topic, and I will reveal all the images. In the meantime, think for yourself. You have something to think about. Remember that it is difficult to intimidate and enslave those who make a choice. I'm talking about the choice of Light. I am talking about those who are ready to move up to the heights of Light, knowing this world in its entirety.

Christ the Teacher
November 26.07.2011, XNUMX