Archive January 2017

We invite everyone to the premiere of the play "IN THE NAME OF TRUE LOVE"

PREMIERE of the play "IN THE NAME OF TRUE LOVE" 2017 We invite everyone to support on February 9, 11 and 25 the premiere of a unique play in verse about the last week of the life of Jesus Christ before the crucifixion. The author is Semyon Zatulovsky. During the performance, the viewer will plunge into the time of the beginning of a new era, fateful for the Planet and humanity, a time that has left a deep mark ...

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Teacher's message 27.01.2017

Question: Not many of us go through life without making mistakes. Throughout life, we create karmic connections - we break laws with thought, word, deed, emotions, feelings. Not everything is stored in memory, not everything can be fully realized. All this is written in everyone's book of life. But we don't have access to it. We cannot do everything ...

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Teacher's message 13.01.2017

Today I am ready to continue our communication and answer the questions that have arisen. We will continue the topic of cosmic childbirth and families. Space genus and space family - are these concepts identical, or do some concepts include others? The cosmic kind, as you understood, includes many families, which are united by a single Source, the Beginning, from which ...

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Teacher's message 06.01.2017

So, after a forced break, we continue our work. And I will say frankly that we will fight for our right to communicate with those who are ready to hear and, most importantly, understand. What I mean? Let me explain. The time has not yet come to speak fully openly, I will say more, those forces that are not interested in our communication and transmission ...

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