11th book of messages "SPACE LETTER"

On February 14, 2013 the 11th book of messages "SPACE LETTER" was published 

11ya book


The book is directed to everyone who accepts the world at the level of a supra-religious consciousness, and includes: 

- the address of the Teacher "Code of Honor" on the equal rights of all living things to a fully manifested life,

- a conversation about letters, a conversation for children, but not only, - also for thinking parents who are able to expand this topic through their correct understanding,

- answers to questions regarding the new upbringing and education of children,

- fairy tales, parables

- and many many others!


Natalya Viktorovna Gal - professional teacher-methodologist-didactic with 40 years of experiencein the education system, a former head teacher of one of the schools, considers the book SPACE LETTER an ideal textbook for education, because the book has everything you need for the creative development of a child:

1. Substantive part:
concepts about:
- letter, its structure
- sounds (concepts of vowels, consonants)
- rainbow - 7 colors 
- stave - 7 notes
- geometric shapes (ray, circle, angle, triangle, pyramid, ball)
- astronomy - concepts about the galaxy, planets, the Universe
- moral foundations - good, love, faith, friendship
- worldview concepts - God, Creator, eternity, Absolute, etc.

2. Methodological component:
- in the form of a conversation
- answers are given, to which you yourself need to find answers, draw conclusions
- independent design of letters from their elements, creating an image of a letter
- appeal to fairy tales, myths, parables
- important moral questions are raised about goodness, faith, love, beauty
- education of love for Nature, and respect for everything that is open to man
- ethical norms of behavior between people are formed

3. Formation of a worldview

4. Formation of high morality

5. Methods of individual and developmental education

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