Teacher's message 25.01.2019

teacherI will continue the conversation about the intimate, about the soul, and now we will touch upon one of the important topics - about the souls of children. Are there any peculiarities at all levels, for those souls who now come to Earth.

I want to add to the above, I want to explain many very subtle points.

So, our conversation is again about the soul, about that subtle formation that contains the primordial energy of Life, the energy of the Creator. At this stage it is possible to speak only schematically about the structure of the soul. Because the form, structure and composition have a common matrix, but they are always individual and unique in terms of investment. Each soul has its own secret - digital and sound code, and a unique composite of all inclusions. Why do I say that? Because, as you know, during conception, all eggs are outwardly the same, but unique individuals will always be born, because it is the soul that will play the leading role in defining itself in all parameters.

The soul is that living, subtle and tender, bright and unique, which contains in itself in the form of spiral forms a special series of sequences of energy inclusions. This serial chain of compounds is reflected on the human DNA chain. As you now know, DNA has its own unique structural features, and it is in these features that the spiral feature of the structure of the soul is reflected. What I am trying to say, apparently by us, I am only trying to transfer everything visible to the verbal level. But only with the discovery of your ability to see the world of subtle energies, can you fully understand what I am talking about. In the meantime, I'm trying to find the right, understandable words.

I am talking about the souls of children, about those who first came to this world. And there are a lot of them. What needs to be done for these children? From the first day of the appearance of the baby in this world, try to keep in touch with him at the soul level. The soul was in the world of its creation in a special tact rhythm. And this rhythm is the most pleasant and soul-friendly. In this rhythm, a special mood, a special state and a beneficial atmosphere. Within six months, the soul adapts to the new rhythm, the new conditions of existence, but, staying most of the time in a dream, again recalls the harmonious rhythms of its birth. If, after birth, there is complete dissonance at the level of energies, then the soul experiences an unimaginably difficult state like stress. Especially sensitive souls can receive, conditionally speaking, a closure, similar to how a closure occurs in an electrical circuit. It is necessary to be very careful with the newly arrived souls, otherwise they may then express themselves in the form of protest, displaying emotions of a different order, using their energy for nothing.

There are also angelic souls who decided to incarnate in this world for the first time. Most often they take this step because they want to help someone in this world. Often they are not aware of many difficulties and dangers of the world of matter and can give up life in the body at an early age. This leads to a complete dissonance in the perception, understanding, expectation and manifestations of this world. To adjust and support such souls in this world, very knowledgeable and sensitive parents are needed. If there are none, then such souls are doomed.

But there are other souls. It was about them, about souls with a unique structure that I wanted to talk about. I talked about the new energy, about the change of energy-information flows, promising many changes in your life. New energy has hitherto unprecedented new composition of energies. And the new souls, now reaching the Earth, are already tuned in to this flow, for their composition is identical. It is these new souls that will freely understand new knowledge, accepting the world of energies. They will resonate with a new wave of energies, for they are initially tuned to it. And this attunement will affect their biostructure. Their cell has initially qualitative differences and this will contribute to their wider development, disclosure of themselves, and most importantly, the new flow of energy is absolutely safe for them. Their biostructure is tuned in accordance with the soul to a more subtle vibratory power, for each food product has its own radiations and correspondences to the one who receives them. These children are more tuned to the subtle living and pranic food. Normal food exclusively live food they need as supporting adaptive nutrition. If this is not taken into account, then the child can lead to many disorders and even to diseases, which are primarily associated with the energy vibrational dissonance between the body and the soul.

It is simply necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the psyche and perception in such children. And look for and find the key that will open the door to the soul. Finding a harmonious resonance at the level of souls between parents and children is a must. Learn to understand them, subtly defining their tasks and needs. They are capable of understanding many spiritual truths from an early age, for their memory is more open than in other generations. This opportunity should be used when communicating with a child as a wise person, giving him spiritual food in the form of knowledge, allowing them to direct their aspirations in accordance with the sensations and desires of the soul. Remember that the soul can be tuned to the subtlest vibrations, try to save, save this setting.

 Christ the Teacher
