pic2APPEAL TO THE HEADS OF GOVERNMENTS and statesmen who have influence on the eventual course of human history

The message was sent through Elena
from the heads of the trustee services of planet Earth.

Peace to you!

Restoring the dialogue that was characteristic of the previous relationship, we are striving to help the Earth and earthlings. And there comes a moment when everyone who oversees the Earth decided to combine their efforts in the name of urgent help to the planet and everything coexisting on it.

What has changed and why have we made this decision now?

Only that, due to the correspondences that are visible to us, earthlings are not fully aware of what is happening on the planet. The true picture of what is happening is hidden from many, and many believe that at such an important moment that it is coming, far from good methods can be used in relation to each other, you can, as you say, “put a stick in the wheels”, you can frankly play unfair play, use blackmail, threats and overt chauvinism.

Friends! New times are coming, when the responsibility for each produced action is estimated at the planetary level. And this means that everyone to whom this right is given - to be the head of society according to earthly laws and foundations, will have a special responsibility not only at the level of his country, at the planetary level, but also at the all-space level.

Now the time has come when you learned a lot, and much at the level of scientific and technical technologies was given to you as an aid through the exchange database of achievements of the Galaxy. You have managed to accept, adapt and make many changes in your life, allowing humanity to develop as a species at an accelerated pace. It takes time. This is also due to the changes that occur in the complete system of our Galaxy.

Remember the expression: “What is above, then below”, and do not try to isolate yourself from the holistic perception of the world. You are not alone in the Universe, and you are subject to the Cosmic Laws, the Laws acting at the level of energies, which are the same for the whole space of our Universe.

Try to expand your vision, because you have reached the level of common communication through the Internet, so understand that at this, only more perfect, level there is communication in the Universe. And every thought, and through it - the action has consequences. Therefore, we call for the realization of responsibility and the unification of all heads of the governments of the Earth. This is important at this moment, when every action becomes decisive, when every thought has a reflection, and those who are given this higher right to be leaders, guide and lead people, can expand their vision and come to realize the importance of the moment.

Any disagreement can be resolved at the level of a common goal, removing all interpersonal strife and desire to dictate one's will. Power is not given to you for personal isolation. Not in order to solve their personal earthly tasks, but in order to work in the most coordinated way for the benefit of our people and all mankind at this moment. You should not separate yourself and your people from the integral task of humanity as a species. It is not worth splitting a large task into hundreds of small ones, not knowing after which to tackle first.

You have been given the opportunity to unite a lot of fragmented on Earth and for the first time in the history of mankind, rejecting the old energies and bring the world to peace and prosperity. Now it is difficult for many to believe it, but the darkness is most condensed before dawn. And again and again the question arises about loyalty and that important task, when equilibrium anticipates a lot.

Learn to reckon with the Will of God and understand that everyone in his place must fulfill this Will and only this Will, not replacing it with his own. And this substitution in all cases has a detrimental effect on all situations in the world. And it is high time to understand that all situations on Earth have an energetic expression and pollute the planet's field and, accordingly, slow down all processes that allow forward movement. And a lot depends on those who are in power, because the energy that the leader, the person in power, radiates, has a distribution of a higher order and affects the mood of the majority. Therefore, the one who is entrusted with power becomes the confidant of the nation and people. The views of people are directed at him, the consent, well-being and prosperity of all living in this territory depends on his radiation, on his mood, correct thoughts and actions. And that state of agreement, acceptance and friendly disposition that can be restored in the core of government of each country will help to level the overall situation on the planet.

Now the balance of energies is broken. Now we are forced to turn to those on whom much depends: try to reject the personal, try to look at those who are working with you in a new way. Restore all broken connections, remove claims, try to form a single team, defining tasks during this period as urgent and important.

If you have closed yourself from the true picture of what is happening, if you have forgotten, on the basis of what you got this right - to be the head, that is, to take maximum responsibility for everything that happens in this territory, then a moment comes when the curtain falls and the open truth becomes visible to many.

The time will come that can be identified as the Time of Judgment. Will it be terrible - it depends on you, on whether you will be able to equalize the energy balance on the planet.

Once again we recall that the time of maximum responsibility of everyone living for everything produced in this world is approaching. This is the time of the Harvest, for the Reapers are already here, as the Master of the Field Himself is overseeing the harvest. And those who manage to collect it without loss, will be able to get closer to the greatest opening time of everything new.

Remember that we are with you.

Remember that everything secret will soon be revealed.

We believe in a bright future for the Earth.

We know the time of the Dawn is drawing near.

On behalf of the Trustees and Curators of the Earth,

the message was conveyed by Christ


Dear friends,

if you have the opportunity and desire to spread this message, we will be very grateful to you.