Tag: development

Message from Teacher 28.04.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX on the effects on consciousness, psychic energy and the soul

Today we will touch upon an important and, I would even say, an extraordinary topic. And this topic is about the impact on consciousness, or what happens in real time. I think that at the present moment all attention is focused on these topics. And therefore I want to clarify what we see at the level of energies. I am showing you this particular cut, or ...

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Teacher's message 9.10.2013

Each stage of our work has its own tasks, and the main thing is what I came to in my communication with you, what conclusions did I draw: first, given your capabilities (not the capabilities of individual individuals, but the capabilities of a group of people as a whole), it is necessary to speak in a modern language, clearly explaining the essence of the above, the essence of the question. Second, different levels of perception allow me to seek and ...

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Teacher's message 4.10.2013

So, we begin a new stage, a new work, to which those who are focused on it, those who are ready, will begin. But training at the level at which I conduct it is not limited to identifying poor students and repeaters, in order to give grades and identify excellent students. We will solve those tasks that each has defined for himself, those tasks, ...

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Teacher's message 19.03.2013

Today we will continue our conversation, which will help each of you to come to an understanding of many important, and I would even say key, concepts. This is the foundation on which the new building will be built - a new worldview and worldview. In order to build a new building, the site is initially cleared. After that, they lay the foundation on which it will stand - and initially it will be built ...

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Teacher's message 27.02.2013

So, let's start our conversations. What is an introductory course? You know, when students start their studies after the holidays in the next grade, they first think about what they learned earlier. And rightly so, I also want to remind you of what I was talking about as a teacher. First of all, about the new time, which is capable of changing consciousness in the shortest possible time, and these changes will lead to ...

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Teacher's message 11.01.2013

Today we will talk about important topics. I think that the preparatory stage, in which I identified your capabilities, abilities, degree of readiness, level of perception, is over. I reserve the right to speak at multiple levels. I have already explained what this means, and therefore look for a clue in the text, try to comprehend the incomprehensible - this certainly develops you. It goes without saying that ...

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Teacher's message 23.03.2004

The true goal of knowledge and direction for development. You tried to build the foundations for activity, for working on yourself, and now we will summarize and identify the further direction. Self-awareness is the starting point of our journey. And we will begin the movement precisely from the moment of accepting ourselves, our true Essence. This is the moment of practical awareness of the inner hidden processes leading to transformations ...

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Teacher's message 09.03.2004

A small stage of our work at a new level has ended. Now is the time to figure out many things and summarize - the result of our work. So, I ask you to initially define the boundaries of our activities and identify the goal. First of all, what are we striving for, what do we want, what are we striving for? These are the questions that I ask you so that everyone will finally reveal the true ...

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Teacher's message 29.04.2003

Teacher, you said that consciousness is a certain complex of psychosomatic matrices superimposed on each other, you mentioned the vibrational-energetic structure of consciousness. In this regard, it can be assumed that consciousness is somehow structured. What is its structure? The question that was asked requires a serious and thoughtful answer, quite extensive and understandable. I will answer in parts, for every question requires ...

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