Tag: cleansing the earth

08.09.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX Answer to the question about the state of affairs on Earth and in Belarus

Question: Dear Teacher! Please tell us about the current situation in Belarus. What is visible on the energy plane? What is not visible and not taken into account by us? What recommendations can you give for work and meditation to help the spirit of Belarus and the peaceful Belarusian people, so that Belarus will harmoniously enter its true Divine program? Answer: So, today our conversation will be on ...

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Teacher's message 13.03.2015

Today marks the end of another phase and the beginning of a new one. This is an important point, important because each stage has its own - new tasks. And therefore it is important to define and execute them. Of course, the importance and necessity of certain tasks can be fully cognized not on Earth, because here you see everything only from the standpoint ...

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Teacher's message 04.03.2015

Today I can say again that a certain stage is over. What was this stage? Of course, the stage of purification. What was happening is incredibly difficult to understand from the perspective of an earthly vision. I try to spare you, your feelings, emotions. I try to speak in hints, but the tasks were set on a large scale. The tasks that we still have to solve in full. I repeat once again ...

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Teacher's message 31.10.2014

So, as I promised, I will give more extensive explanations, so you can and should ask questions about those places in the text that need clarification. I am talking about what is clear and understandable for me, but you look at everything from a different angle, understanding only part of what I have conveyed. And this is not surprising. Big one ...

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Teacher's message 07.02.2014

Today I need to clarify the current situation. There are certain shifts, there are intentions that can lead to the desired result. I am talking now about the world of energies, about what is visible to us. The situation is visible as follows: the center is circular rotation in a spiral, the energies are dissipated and, in some way, are leveled. The penetration effect is there, but minimal. There is a barrier - brute force, ...

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03.10.2013 touch

- Earth, our Beauty Mother. Now I feel how changes are taking place in her and in her. She seems to react differently to the world. Something, as it seems to me, is crushing her, oppressing her. When I try to tune in to it, I feel bad. I feel some kind of wall, or a barrier, or maybe it's something else, in which it is impossible to turn to Her ...

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Teacher's message 27.09.2013

The time has passed, which was given to everyone for independent and active work. And everyone disposed of them in their own way. Are there any successes? Let each of you ask yourself this question again and again, and if the answer does not satisfy him, then let him steadily strive to achieve what he wants. There are many obstacles. There are many different factors that slow you down. But everything is natural, going according to plan, ...

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