Tag: Armageddon

Teacher's message 26.10.2018

Peace to all! Peace to all who work, who strive to receive the fruits of their labor! Questions and answers ... In them, first of all, your opportunity to pass a kind of exam in a deeper understanding of the meaning of what is happening, but not only ... It is also an exam for attentiveness, accuracy in expressing thoughts, for identifying active thoughts in yourself. And besides that, it's mental ...

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The answer to the question: what is the period of night in the global Universe?

Question: What is the period of night in the global universal understanding? (Elena) Answer: The question is important, and a lot depends on the correct understanding of the answer to it. You understand that according to the Law of Alternation, different cycles alternate in a specific given rhythm. This rhythm is associated with many parameters of the Earth. This rhythm is associated with the processes that, relatively speaking, protect the planet, preserve its status ...

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Teacher's message 14.02.2014

So, we touched on the most burning topic - the topic of current events and Armageddon. At this stage, this topic should be fully manifested, and therefore I will expand it. When did the topic of Armageddon first arise? You have ample opportunity to learn a lot about it and collect all the information you have. And I will talk about ...

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Teacher's message 07.02.2014

Today I need to clarify the current situation. There are certain shifts, there are intentions that can lead to the desired result. I am talking now about the world of energies, about what is visible to us. The situation is visible as follows: the center is circular rotation in a spiral, the energies are dissipated and, in some way, are leveled. The penetration effect is there, but minimal. There is a barrier - brute force, ...

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Teacher's message 24.08.2012

Let's talk about a topic that is no less important for discussion during this period: 2012 and its features. Since more than half of this year has already passed, it is very important now to determine the results. What are they? If you look at the world as a whole, then changes at the level of energies are visible. The zone of maximum accumulation of dark energies is gradually changing its shape, ...

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