Archive September 2019

The answer to the question about the fate of the sons of the Master of Christ

Question: Dear Teacher! In the second book there is a description of the life of the middle son, tell me, please, how was the fate of the elder and younger sons? I would also like to know about the fate of your most devoted and faithful disciples and apostles. Ruslan Answer: A question about the fate of people close to me, how was their future life? This question allows me to dive into those times ...

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Teacher's message 13.09.2019

So, today we will continue our communication, and I will talk about the situation in YOUR world at the moment. Dynamic changes - and I'm talking about the world of energies - are now traced in different zones of earthly space. It is the streams of energies that merge and separate. They look like a violent ocean, in which there are processes on the surface that you can see, and ...

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Teacher's message 06.09.2019

Let's continue our communication and the previously raised topic of the human soul. All of you living on Earth are unique and different at the same time. You have your own unique features of the structure of the energy structure, and these features are associated with your energetic investment, with the fact that allows you to become aware of yourself as a person - your soul. Let's talk about the parameters of the soul. What I mean? ...

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