Archive October 2013

Teacher's message 30.10.2013

So, today is the moment for summing up the results. The work goes on, continues, and it will continue regardless of all circumstances. And this work awaits those who have accepted the ministry. What am I talking about? What service? I mean in this case the need to be needed, in demand, which means doing something that will bear intangible fruits, which is very difficult ...

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The answer to the question: was it possible to avoid the crucifixion?

Question: Dear Teacher, my question is related to the past, to Your life and Service. Was it possible to avoid crucifixion? Was there another way in the timeline in which humanity would accept the New Energies, but not through death and compassion for an innocent person? And then what could human history be like? (Denis) Answer: Thank you for your question. Everything, …

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Teacher's message 23.10.2013

Let's continue our conversation about the task that I gave. If earlier I gave assignments and left them for independent work, now you have the opportunity to share your achievements and discoveries. Once again, I wish you had access to your inner knowledge, which means that the work that you perform should help in this. ...

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Teacher's message 16.10.2013

So, I see that the task turned out to be somewhat difficult. Why? I think, first of all, because there was no perseverance, persistence, enough free time and much more. Yet why am I asking such questions? For I want to identify a cohort of people who will organically develop all their abilities. This is important, because we have to be able to do a lot, a lot of work ...

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The answer to the question about food that is heat treated by fire

Question: DEAR TEACHER! Can food that has been processed by fire contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, ... which remained before heat treatment, because its structure has become "dead"? Let me explain the essence of the question more clearly. In many articles of various "scientists" devoted to the types of dietary nutrition, it is said about the presence in digested food of CALORIES, CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS, etc. I want to correct these "scientists": about the presence ...

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10.10.2013 touch

- Father! I want to ask you a question, the answer to which is very important for me. Can the Supreme Intelligence, or the Absolute of the Universe, communicate directly with an earthly person? - Child, I understand your question, and it is very important for clarification. And so that you can more fully present the answer, understand it, I will give you a small task that you ...

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Teacher's message 9.10.2013

Each stage of our work has its own tasks, and the main thing is what I came to in my communication with you, what conclusions did I draw: first, given your capabilities (not the capabilities of individual individuals, but the capabilities of a group of people as a whole), it is necessary to speak in a modern language, clearly explaining the essence of the above, the essence of the question. Second, different levels of perception allow me to seek and ...

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Teacher's message 4.10.2013

So, we begin a new stage, a new work, to which those who are focused on it, those who are ready, will begin. But training at the level at which I conduct it is not limited to identifying poor students and repeaters, in order to give grades and identify excellent students. We will solve those tasks that each has defined for himself, those tasks, ...

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03.10.2013 touch

- Earth, our Beauty Mother. Now I feel how changes are taking place in her and in her. She seems to react differently to the world. Something, as it seems to me, is crushing her, oppressing her. When I try to tune in to it, I feel bad. I feel some kind of wall, or a barrier, or maybe it's something else, in which it is impossible to turn to Her ...

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