Archive March 2011

Teacher's message 29.03.2011

Today our conversation is about the structure of the soul. The practical work was carried out by those who needed it. There are results, and they will be comprehended a little later, but for now we will talk about the innermost - about the human soul. Soul - this word contains a concept that is somewhat blurred at the earthly level. Let's try to structure it gradually. Soul - …

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Teacher's message 23.03.2011

I started a conversation on a very important topic - about the soul, about its form, about the possibility of transformation, changing its form. But in order to transform, change the form, it is necessary to imagine the ideal form, or the structure that is given to each soul at separation, birth. Each soul has its own shape, as I said, but the parameters are the same. What is it about? To you …

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Teacher's message 16.03.2011

Once again, a very important moment has come when everything secret must become clear. This moment reveals a certain part of people who are ready to hear and understand everything correctly. I'm talking about a new time, a time that will give you many surprises. It is this time that creates the prerequisites for working at a new level, and, most importantly, this time expands the corridor, or boundaries, for perception ...

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Teacher's message 09.03.2011

The time is approaching when all living things will blossom and be renewed. Spring has come - a time when very gradually the corridors of Light will expand and a stream carrying renewal will flow very smoothly. With the end of winter, the replacement and inclusion of new light particles will begin. It can be understood in this way: each cell of your body has not only a physical structure, but also an energy one. This is already known ...

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Teacher's message 02.03.2011

The boundaries of Light are indicated, and gradually, very gradually, the Light enters its limits. A new picture of the world is gradually revealed through your vision, which you form and which is a true treasure. I'm talking about the future, and now we will outline its limits. The future appears before us, for we are from the future. We know all its manifestations. We know how ...

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