Archive October 2003

Teacher's message 21.10.2003

The conversation I'm preparing you for is about structural thinking and different types of thinking. The fact that the thinking that is inherent in you is associated with the Earth, with the frequency that this planet emits, I think you know, as well as the fact that this is a kind of frequency corridor associated with electromagnetic radiation. Structural thinking is associated with these parameters. ...

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Teacher's message 15.10.2003

How can an earthly person handle a body so that it develops in accordance with the great program that was laid in a person by the Creator? The question made me accept for a while the possibility of mental recovery of reactions, sensations of the biostructure, because, in answering this question, it is necessary to be fully aware of the real communication with the body. I think I understood correctly: we are talking about ...

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Teacher's message 08.10.2003

The question of energy-information fields and the quality of their filling suggested that serious work would be carried out in each of you. This question required concentration and maximum ability to work: analyze and reflect. And one should not be afraid of a negative result. So far there is no answer, but this is also a result, because its identification was carried out in the maximum mode of organizing the entire structure, and ...

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Teacher's message 07.10.2003

Let's continue our conversation about the combination of two transforming principles: energy and biological. Our conversation today will be about the central channel, about the connection centers. It was very important to find all sensations in oneself, to open a different vision through meditation and to depict a diagram of the energy structure, based on the concepts that I say. The scheme has been revealed, and now it is possible to represent more figuratively what about ...

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Teacher's message 01.10.2003

The question of what is matter, or what definition I would give to such a fundamental concept as "matter" remained unresolved. This question suggests my definition, as a cosmic entity, of the concept that is close to you, living on Earth. So, matter is a word that is close to you, really tangible, this is what you constantly encounter, because you live in the material world, and ...

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