Teacher's message 06.09.2019

teacherWe continue our communication and the previously raised topic of the human soul. You all living on Earth are unique and at the same time different. You have your own unique structural features of the energy structure, and these features are related to your energy investment, which allows you to be aware of yourself as a person, your soul. Let's talk about the parameters of the soul. What I mean? The parameters of the soul during incarnation can be the same, but, participating in many life upsets, they can also change over time. As I have already said, the structural filling of the soul can vary, but the structure itself has a common framework and scheme, common to all rational entities, differing only in the level and quality of filling. But it is clear that we are talking about energy filling, about the structural characteristics of the soul. In order to imagine what I am talking about, it is necessary to recall the characteristics of the physical body. You know that the cornea of ​​the eye has its individual unique features, as well as the structure of the skin, especially on the fingers, or, as you say, fingerprints. The same differences and special combination have in their structure and soul filling as energy substances of different levels and order. In addition, you know about the unique generic features of DNA. The soul also has its own unique pattern, composite, similar to DNA structures, and its own special vibratory sound, its own sound and numerical code. Relatively speaking, this is her business card, or passport, in accordance with which all data about her is opened. The soul has its own potential - quantitative and qualitative filling, which affects its manifestation in this world. We can say that the soul has unique organizational features in its structure, in its structure, which help it to manifest itself in this world. These same features and affect the degree and level of manifestations of its reactions in this world. There is no other subject than a biorobot that does not have a reasonable energy substance invested in it, a powerful potential - the energy of life. If the reserves of this energy in a living creature are not present or small, then the life of the physical body is nearing completion, because without this energy the life of the biological being is cut off.

But I began to talk about cases when the connection with the Heavenly Parent is cut off and a person uses the reserves of energies invested in him from birth. Such reserves can be quickly or slowly depleted, and then be wasted. When the reserves of energy are depleted, the moment of testing comes - a person is given a chance to pull himself out of a difficult state, to remember and restore a lot. And this chance is the last hope for those who hang between the worlds. Man, having used almost all his potential, his reserves of vital energy, is preparing to leave the earthly plane. This is an experience, and he got it. The number of biorobots - those who are created by extraterrestrial intelligence and are controlled by certain forces - is still small and especially controlled. We are talking about intelligent souls, about the process of choice, and in accordance with this choice, the tasks and goals of life are determined. I'm talking about the moment of testing, about the transition of the soul to those forces that promise great benefits. This is a moment of retreat and at the same time a moment that allows you to express yourself in full, having received an invaluable experience. Will a person be able to preserve himself, preserve his soul? It depends on the strength of his manifestations, on his reactions and on his ability to discriminate, comparing his actions with the criteria that have been developed by the soul. If these criteria are very low or absent, then the outcome is obvious. And a person who has determined his path to development also has special trials in which his soul is given a chance to reveal and maximize himself. This is a school of life, and as you go through it, you learn about your possibilities, which in the usual, calm rhythm of life may never appear. It is important to remember the main thing - about the soul, about those imperishable treasures that have been accumulated by it. The unshakable truths are of particular importance - faith forms a thread of connection with our Heavenly Parent. This is the support that will support you in difficult times. Even on the edge of the abyss, faith will give you the opportunity to avoid death, to preserve yourself, overcoming what oppresses you, to gain self-confidence, peace and tranquility in your soul. Remember the important postulate - Light is always stronger than darkness, and even in those moments when it seems to you that you are alone and abandoned by everyone, remember that there is One who will always be devoted to you, for you are flesh of His flesh, and you are one with Him whole.

So be it!

Christ the Teacher

November 6.09.2019, XNUMX