Message from the Teacher 31.08.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the beginning of a new stage in learning, about closed memory

teacherSo today we can give a preparatory lesson. And it will be to some extent decisive for our future work. And now I will give a definition of the very essence of the work. What I'm talking about? Why study? The essence of teaching is gaining knowledge, and you are well aware of this. Knowledge is Light, it helps a person to realize himself as a person. For, having accurate or close to true ideas about many parameters of life not only of your world, but also of worlds far and away, you receive special power. And I will call it the expansion force. What, again, am I talking about? I am talking about the energy structure of a person, about how a person is arranged at the level of energies. I am talking about the expansion of the human field, and you know that the material body is the densest energy form, or, in other words, your physical body, as seen by you, is part of the energy structure. And at the same time, it is an indicator of everything that happens in all spheres at the level of subtle or, more precisely, in the structure of less dense bodies. And if we look at a person as a cosmic being, then we can well declare about the multidimensional connections of everyone living on Earth. Relatively speaking, you can see special connections, or let's call them the threads that connect the soul and body. And this happens at the level of a biological neural network, or nerve cells, which are connected with the work of the brain, its neural connections created in the realities of earthly life. 

A person can be considered as a cosmic entity, taking into account everything inherent in him. And so I want you to look at this topic in a new way, so that you can identify yourself as a person, determining your ability to come to the desire to increase your potential. It is important! Your strength should increase, grow as you gain knowledge. You can imagine within yourself a small grain that grows, expanding your field, increasing your volume of knowledge and understanding about the world, your awareness of yourself and your role in this moment in time and in this world. I have said many times - ask yourself the question: "Who am I - just a perishable and vulnerable body, or is there something strong and eternal in me?" Such questions activate your desire, the desire activates opportunities, but not only: in such questions, or rather, in the search for answers to them, a key is laid, an unzip key, a key that opens access to hidden memory files. But, I repeat once again, the key opens access only to those who are ready to accept themselves at different levels. 

Do you think the soul and psyche of a person are one and the same or are they related concepts? This is a question for you. And I will say that the memory of the greater part - I am talking about deep memory, about what you call the subconscious - is closed only because of the unwillingness to accept itself in different roles and types that the soul performed from the first moment of incarnation. You know that there are strong Spirits, those who are ready to defend their rights under any circumstances, keeping the idea, fulfilling their destiny. But you do not know the whole path of this Spirit as a cosmic entity. And this is often, in the initial stage, the path of trial and error, the path of missed lessons and expulsion from school, the school of life. And all this path from the beginning of the creation of the soul is within you, in that structure that is similar to micro-plates of memory. It contains in a collapsed form all the information about you. And this, relatively speaking, microplate is archived, that is, all information is stored in you in a compressed form, like a snake that can curl up into rings. But not only the key, as I said with the unzip, allows you to initially open special storerooms, vaults. And it is also a universal data bank. All living beings, ever born in the Universe, having a living soul, have their investments in this bank. Again, for understanding, they have their own storage cell, their own database in a powerful computer, which is not mechanical, or consisting of material parts. This data bank is located behind the first layer. Again, relatively speaking, at the level of a special composition of plasma, it has cells, like a honeycomb, and they store all the data about living objects that have living souls. This is, relatively speaking, a storage disk, in which all data is duplicated, all information about what is happening, of course, at the energy level. Loss, or loss, of data is impossible. It is also impossible to substitute data or distort them. For security purposes, a vibration code has been created - sound and number. And they fully, again for security reasons, cannot be known to people. Partial penetration into information layers is possible, as well as partial reading of information. But the key to a universal database is to combine all three codes. And only then all information will be open. 

But you also have a mini-plate, which under special conditions, when you strive to know more and use this knowledge for good, can open. But it opens only when all the levers are raised and set in the required mode and the willingness to accept oneself in all positions of this world is determined. This means that a person can see himself in different roles, in different guises. See your unkind thoughts and the same deeds, see the negative deeds that you also need to take, realizing them as a lesson, a life lesson necessary for the development of personality. But it is important to realize that knowing yourself does not allow you to make yourself an object for your personal visualizations. What was, it has already been fixed, and in order to transform memories of the past, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of knowledge and identify a clear goal. 

Knowledge and skills are different concepts, and therefore we will combine knowledge with skills, that is, practical work should not become formal. It should be aimed at results, at revealing hidden skills. And I know that you can already do a lot, you are ready to know more about yourself and, of course, be able to. You are ready to practically reveal this knowledge to achieve the goal. And therefore, bring yourself to a state of complete readiness, which is determined by the adoption of such phrases:

“I accept myself as an evolving personality striving to improve at all levels of all my skills. I accept myself with all my multidimensional life experiences, in different positions of growing up, in the learning process. I accept myself as a person striving for constant achievements on a spiritual level. I accept my mistakes, shortcomings, violations and possible crimes, while striving to achieve the transformation of these energies, all my rough, aggressive, unlighted emotional actions leading to adverse consequences in conjunction with other souls. I free myself from the consequences of my gross actions through my deep awareness of these violations. I breathe in the air of life, the main component of which is Love, and I breathe out everything that brings destruction in all manifestations of this world. I am pure Light! I feel all the purity of the higher energies dissolving everything coarse in me. From now on, having performed this act as repentance, as an act of purification, I will strive to keep the Highest Fire of Love in my soul, becoming a Pure Spirit, uniting with my Source ”.

So be it! 

Christ the Teacher
