Message from the Teacher 18.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. Summing up and a new stage in modeling the future of the Earth

teacherToday we will be able to summarize, or identify the results of our common work. And the first thing I should note is the increased level of understanding. But the final result has not been revealed. You have correctly noted that now I am not an inhabitant of the Earth and therefore have no right to express, that is, to impose, their will in the process of forming a common thought, a general movement of thought in the direction of the future. This can only be done by the inhabitants of the Earth - to reveal their common will, their coordinated positions in the formation of a common image, or projection, of the new world of the Earth. In order to pull the planet and all living beings, as I say figuratively, to a new track of being at this difficult moment, a general orientation of thoughts in this direction is necessary, or the creation of a general image that will be deciphered at the level of thought-form, as I said earlier, as a request about help. Now you are modeling a new world, the future of the Earth. Now you are in an active phase of understanding where I am leading, or, better to say, I am leading you. You, and only you, by birthright at the present moment of time on this planet, have the right to a decisive vote, for you are direct participants in the events. And just as a person voting for a certain candidate has the right to personally express his will, so you have the right to ask for a better fate and qualitative changes in your world. The world is on the verge of changes, but the oscillations of the pendulum are such that it can quickly, sharply swing in the other direction. What happens then if you can quickly and accurately form a mental wall from your projections? The movement towards destruction will be stopped. By what means? Due to your affirmations - this is a mental wall, and images - in them the power of the creative tandem - muladhara and ajna. What is this tandem? It is a keyword conjunction that unlocks the secret lock. Which? But in this you must figure it out for yourself, because this will already serve as a foundation and a solid foundation for building a new building of the new world. Your task is to build a wall and close the old world within it. In a confined space, he will not be able to exist in isolation for a long time. In such a space, energies will be gradualbut not shrink. That is, we, speaking conventionally, take them in the ring.

I'm not talking about a separate practice, but about real work that needs to be started right now. The space must be prepared, all images created by thought must find their own, relatively speaking, a niche for unfolding, or rotation. Even a small group of people is able to do this, knowing the exact sequence of actions, the laws of the world of energies and, the main thing, falling into the rhythm, that is, by making jewelry-level synchronization. In such work, the level of energy is important, which should reach the desired indicator, or value. And of course, in such work, safety is important, protection and a clear sequence of actions are important. Now you need to activate your ability to build images, desired images of the future in your internal virtual space. What does this mean? First of all, what is given to you, or presented to you, the possibility of plastic work with energies. That is why you enter the program "You are the gods", precisely for this unique opportunity, which allows you to develop your thought, making up the visual energy object of the desired. And this ability is creative, this ability makes it possible for us to communicate and understand each other. We understand you, you - us, because in you, in your activated brain, there is that area, that decoder, which are able to clarify, identifying the necessary analogs to the level of complete acceptance. And therefore, man is created with this, for the most part, still latent, latent ability to understand the thoughts of spiritual beings. We are able to read thoughts and identify messages in them. This is where our unity lies. Those who are now discrediting the restored program "You are the gods" are, in fact, fulfilling the order of the opposite side, which wants to associate analogous words with destruction and death. And therefore we must firmly realize and understand that one of the most powerful confrontations on the planet is currently underway. In this case, desperate actions and all possible attempts to attract a part of undecided souls to the process of active confrontation are not excluded. Messages about what is happening at the level of the world of energies are constantly changing, and you are at this moment on the planet. Our task is to protect you as much as possible from destructive streams, but often it is not possible to keep this force. The release of energies occurs as an explosion, and a whirlwind rushes upward, which is capable of bringing destruction. People can also get into such a stream, in which case their fate will be unenviable. In this case, they can become, like a sponge, absorbing this brute force and then doing evil. All this is done in those layers that are largely closed from outside interference, but open to the vortices and funnels formed at this level. I say, perhaps, words that are difficult to understand, but I convey them as simply as possible, and if you wish, you can understand, or reveal, the essence of what has been said.

Now about the main thing. There is work that only those living on the planet can do. It consists in revealing one's own strength, exclusively for bestowing on the layer in which the projections of the future are formed. It is there that the images of the future are formed and these images are connected by an inseparable thread with the past, with what has already happened.

Are the created projections or images superimposed on the events that have taken place? They are imposed only in the case of combination, or implementation of the plan. If this combination did not happen, then the image remains to live in its layer of manifestation. until the moment of incarnation. This is a whole theory that you need to know before doing the job.

So, we can start a new stage of preparation, which I will call the stage of alignment. I will give tasks that will need to be completed, taking into account all the wishes. At this point, for those who are ready to go, I am introducing the Law of Discipline.


Teacher Christ

November 18.05.2021, XNUMX