Message from the Teacher 09.03.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the current situation, about the moment of choice, about the gift of love

teacherSo, I will continue our communication and talk about what worries us. And this is a topic about our interactions with your world. And as you understood, this interaction exists, exists and has intensified at the present moment. In order to expand on this topic, I need to move to the level of analogies.

Imagine: a small stream makes its way through the layers of the earth, on its way there are multiple barriers, and even congestion. But the brook is nimble and learns to bypass them, overcoming obstacles. His task is to gain strength and become full-flowing. The force is formed as the stream gathers in a single channel, but the trickle cannot collect the force, because it is in constant motion forward, and stopping is impossible for it, only forward, and only overcoming. And in this rhythm he moves. Few believe that a stream of great power can emerge from such a small stream. But the stream flows from the Source, the potential of which is enormous. This Source is capable of directing the flow of flowing waters in the right direction at the right time and, having strengthened it, create a new, fast current of a full-flowing river. In the meantime, only a few are able to accept and feel the special taste of the moisture of a small stream, to understand that this life-giving force is capable of restoring a lot in this world, for there will be many spaces on the way of the stream, and wherever it paves its way, there will be a trace that will restore natural resources, reserves and potential.

 Spring has come, which means that the frosts and ice floes that hold down the movement will soon melt and awakening will begin, revitalizing the seeds and everything growing nearby. Awakening begins at a new level, at the level of completeness of expression and, at the same time, in harsh conditions of confrontation, when dissimilar forces, colliding, create obstacles. But the centripetal force of the stream is great, as is its desire to achieve the goal, becoming a full-flowing, mighty river. And everything will be, everything will be done in its own, and only in St.оth, the right moment. In the meantime, run, stream, know and remember that behind you is your Source, which is inexhaustible, which has great potential and the same power. And at the right time, he will open his bowels, and the flow will intensify, and moisture will become a healing hope for this world and a support for those who follow the path.

I'm talking about the present moment in time. And therefore you should know that we are constantly working, we change our plans in accordance with the moment, adjusting them in accordance with the realities of life. And you have to correct a lot. And of course, we, just like you, want to accelerate the renewal program, but obstacles arise, and when it comes to life and death, we choose life. We stop many planned plans and actions in the name of preserving life, for the experience of this world is quite sad.

Well, now for the details. What is happening now outside the terrestrial and near-terrestrial limits? Outside the Earth, life is active, and interaction with worlds that closely watch the Earth is at the same stage. The level of interest does not fade away and, I would say, on the contrary, increases. Why? Because the active phase is coming, or is approaching, which will allow many active participants to approach the Earth's limits. And it goes without saying that not all of them stand for the restoration of the primary program for the development of the Earth and the restoration of the primary foundations in this world. And therefore, yes, you can use the expression you now know and the often repeated word - reboot. It is precisely this that most fully meets all the actions planned today. And this means that many of the foundations of life must change, or be purified. They will form the foundation of the new world. And do not think that we are capable of rudely imposing our program and the foundations of our worldview on you. No, we are waiting for each person to come to awareness and make their choice, having received the necessary tools for discrimination - knowledge of the new formation about the environment, that is, about the external, and about their own internal content - about the internal. A person will be able to feel himself a necessary link in the chain of connection of all living things. A person will be able to understand how he is arranged, not only taking into account the physical parameters, but also the combined parameters - that is, knowing himself, or his energy body, or energy structure. And this knowledge should be so connected that you feel a complete interconnection, like in a puzzle game you put each puzzle in its own, and only its, place. At the same level, you can feel and see all the interconnections with the living world of Nature. Everything is in continuous interaction, symbiosis. Everything is in a continuous evolutionary process of development. Without this forward movement, life would have died out long ago, but it, on the contrary, takes on new parameters for new development and movement in all spheres of life. And this must be taken into account. It is necessary to recognize oneself as a part of the living field, or the living structure of the Earth, and a necessary and important particle in the vast limits of the Universe. It is this all-encompassing level that will allow you to rise up and learn to see your place in the unified field of the Universe. Having recognized yourself as the inhabitants of the Universe, you get out of the narrow world of material requests, originally prepared for you by the system. You go to the level of recognizing yourself as an integral part of the Cosmos, its eternal inhabitants, those who go to the most difficult and dangerous worlds to restore peace and harmony, to maintain the banner of the Spiritual world. And no matter how difficult the circumstances may be, remember - you are leaving a tunnel where natural light was minimal. You are moving towards the Source, which sends down the Light, which is the support and essence of life. The ordeals of the soul in this world will end, and what will happen next? What will happen to those who voluntarily refused to go into the Light? They will not find a way out, because they have lost their bearings, and their life situations will worsen.

And in moments of despair, first of all, save yourself from claims, from minor offenses, from purely earthly emotions. Remember the main thing. And what you put at this moment as the main thing will serve you as a beacon, a reference point in this world. Highlight the main thing and ask yourself the question: what is the main thing in my life? That without which I cannot exist in this world? What will I put first?

I am talking about the moment of choice, the final choice by those souls who hesitate. I am talking about an important moment in the life of many earthlings. You will be given a second chance. It is you, who have not established themselves in their priorities and their foundations of life, it is you, who are constantly shaken by new information, now have a chance to manifest themselves at the moment of the final choice. And this is the mercy of our Heavenly Father, Who cares about His children, those who of their own free will left to learn the worlds in order to become better, stronger and more experienced, wiser and, most importantly, learned to perceive everything through the prism of Love, which he receives as gift to any living creature of this world. And this gift cannot be evaluated in monetary terms, it is impossible to buy or sell. It can only be revealed, isolated in oneself, and cognized all the best qualities of this great and even the greatest energy.

Believe me, all the passions of this world will subside, all prohibitions will be abolished, everyone will be able to realize what is happening at a new level of understanding, and only a great gift, a great power of Love in this world and in you will forever remain. And it is she who is able to transform this world.

Christ the Teacher

November 9.03.2021, XNUMX