07.07.2020 Answer to the question about the reasons for the distortion of the program "You are Gods"

xristos19Question: Why did the divine creation Man, in which the program of unity and development “You are gods” was initially invested, degrade?

Why does consciousness continue to be in a rudimentary dormant state for millions of years, and during this time immorality has led the Earth into complete decline?

What is the fault of Mother Earth, whose space is overflowing with viruses of aggression and anger?

Answer: So, our conversation is about the planet - your Mother Earth. Its space is overflowing with all sorts of viruses, including viruses of aggression and anger, which affect the consciousness of people. Is the planet itself to blame for what is happening on it?

In order to answer this question, we must dive into the distant past of the planet and look at what happened on it in the initial phase of life. What was the Creator's intention? What idea served as the basis for the creation of this planet and a special, unique world on it. We have repeatedly dived into the layers of the past in order to deal with the present, with what is happening in the present moment. You know that past, present and future exist at the same time. What is it about? What are your thoughts? Of course, by asking a question, I need to give you time to think. It is also unconditional that I, as a Teacher, wish that those who are ready to become students learn first of all to think independently, learn to think, include their consciousness in a conscious process of thinking. Of course, I wish that the process of activating your brain goes into an active phase and you begin to receive results from your vigorous activity.

In the meantime, we will try to look beyond the veil of the past. Who were the first people on earth? Again a question. And the second question: do you consider the first people to be the prototypes of Adam and Eve? Or can you look at this question in a different way?

The questions have been asked, you can start answering them. And while you are doing this, we will continue talking about the planet that is now known to you as Earth. This planet, indeed, has a finely tuned high soul. She, as I said, voluntarily agreed to participate in many experiments. And it was her free will - to be an active servant, an assistant for the realization of everything conceived by the Creator of Love. And this planet itself, I repeat once again, was created in the image, according to the great Idea of ​​the Creator of Love. What does idea mean? As you can hear in the very sound of the word, And is the sound of connection, it is, relatively speaking, the key for connecting with the worlds of the Galaxy, or, in other words, the sound vibration that forms the connection channel. And associated with CI. What is CI? This is Qi - the energy of life, the channel of life force, receiving the energy of life. And so you can make out any sound. But we are talking about the Idea. An idea is a new inclusion in the thought flow of the Galaxy and the Universe as a whole for implementation, for actions, for the realization of what was conceived. Ideas arise, or are born, or are born, in consciousness as an opportunity for the manifestation of the new in the life stream. The idea of ​​the Creator of Love was to create a planet of a paradise world, a world of manifestations, pleasures, a world that would be really woven from Love. Planet of Love, the apotheosis of Love, the victory and glorification of this great energy through life manifestations. And initially it was. The soul of the Earth was attuned to these subtlest currents, and she rejoiced at the definition of her mission. But in order to speed up the process and fill it with many-sided energies for development, the Creator attracted two more Creators here for actions. And as a result of their actions, the process was accelerated and the space was filled with the energies of other overflows. Initially, it seemed that in this case the world would be richer and more interesting in its manifestations. After the opening of the corridor for visiting the planet, as I said, 15 worlds expressed their desire to actively participate in the initial phase of bringing life to Earth. And these worlds were also heterogeneous in their primary origins. There were few worlds carrying the pure Idea of ​​the Creator of Love among these participants. And initially it was decided that this would be a unique experiment for adapting and saturating with the powerful power of Love those worlds that did not have access to this energy in their space. Initially, there was a flow of energies, or, in other words, an exchange of energies between representatives of different worlds of the Galaxy. In this world one could enjoy the streams of Love and the jubilation of all living things developing in these streams. This Idea was attractive and interesting to many worlds that rushed here. And the planet gave access to itself and consent to its maternal role. The Soul of the Earth came out of the cradle of Love, it is connected with the Creator who created it. She was proud that such a great fate and role was destined for her. The connection between the Creator and the soul of the Earth has never been interrupted. The expectation of great accomplishments was a reward for the Earth. And it all started with good intentions. But the attraction of other very strong energies and the claims of other Creators for the right to participate in the life of the planet led to the decision to create temporary corridors for the rule of Those Who brought Their energies here. Thus, three Rulers appeared on the planet, Who in Their cycles, which for the Creators are called a day, for you this is a universal Day - a period equal to 3 millennia, govern the planet. And there is One Whose reign today can be called Night, for He has exceeded his authority and His energy - the energy of destruction - can now destroy creation itself. Now the reins of government are taken by the One Who drew up the original plan, Who brought His Idea here, Who has His plans for the development of this world and a way out of the current extremely difficult and difficult situation. The Law of Free Will was introduced here by the Creator of Love, and therefore, after passing through several cycles of development associated with the three Creators, disappointing results were summed up and a decision was made to stop the experiment.

Is the fault of the planet itself in what is happening on it? Perhaps the blame for what is happening is on everyone who participated in the process of creation and development of the planet. This is the unaccounted for influence of individual forces, these are open, relatively speaking, doors, a corridor for passage into this world. This is the attraction of the destructive force and the Creator of this force on an equal footing. A lot can be said about mistakes, including the admission of other heterogeneous civilizations for life on the planet. The Great Idea of ​​harmonious community, cooperation of all those living on the planet remains the main idea and image of the planet of Good Will, which, however, is losing its mother-of-pearl blue glow. Changes in this world are necessary and important, as is the return to the primary image of the heavenly planet of Love, harmony and unity of all living things.

Christ the Teacher

November 7.07.2020, XNUMX