Call for People of Goodwill to Unite




launched into future to join efforts of all People of Goodwill




Earth, Mother, Fosterer... Earth provides conditions for your life and wellbeing, and every human being who lives in this world is capable of defining his or her position, is capable of becoming aware of who he or she is and what his or her role on Earth is. Starting to consider it, people of Earth will be able to discern congenial souls who think in a resonant flow, who aspire to live a full life changing much in themselves and the world around. These people are creators, and their task is to restore here, on Earth, that centred state of welfare which is palpable only in a harmonious space.


The world has many faces, and the main point is that unification of all People of Goodwill will allow to concentratedly determine extremely opposite viewpoints. The world will divide into two categories, and everyone who will be able to determine their path, their destination in this world, will enable defining common positions of this world. The world will at last define its positions with unification of People of Goodwill.


How can People of Goodwill possibly unite?

Only by thought. Only on the grounds of those criteria, of that choice which was determined by a soul. Only at the level of soul one can hear answers to questions raised. To discern this answer one should learn to listen, to send appeals at the level of heart prayer, one should believe that a soul is a divine spark, that imperishable particle which is tuned to its Parent.


Who are People of Goodwill and why is unification so important?

People of Goodwill are the vanguard of energetic people who are working for restoration of lost light fundamentals in this world. They are people who came in the name of a high goal and who are aware of their role and are aware of significance of all transformations expected by Earth.


Earth more than once altered her vibrations and more than once dating back all history of mankind faced the choice for incarnated life to be or not to be manifested on her. Nowadays a similar choice has been made again, and the choice has been made in favour of Light, in favour of raising vibrations and coming onto a new level of existence. Namely this choice suggests unification of People of Goodwill, of those who are responsible for their deeds, of those who are capable of providing help not only to themselves, but to those seeking it.


People of Goodwill will make an outpost for the changes that are coming forth. They will make channel keepers of the Light flow that will penetrate the space of Earth in extremely sparing mode, dissolving everything dark, everything obsolete, everything requiring neutralization and removal beyond her limits. If people of Earth can join their efforts they will generate protective light field of Earth, and thus will help many earthlings go through the forthcoming times. It is essential, for the help crucial for earthlings can come only on the basis of unification. Believe that the help is coming, and it is important to know that much depends on you who are living today. Many corrections in the general plan depend on you, on your thoughts, actions, and decisions.


You have an opportunity to create a single field for interaction, for joint efforts in different corners of the globe by using the means of communication familiar to you. Namely such coordinated work is important. It is also important that each of you is a necessary and significant link, and unification can occur by acknowledgement of equal rights for everyone, by respect of their position and experience in this world.


The main point that can lead to unification is a common goal. It is a wish to work for the welfare of Earth, humanity and the Universe. And if the purpose is common, then it is important to make efforts and from a single field of all light souls dwelling on the planet now. You can do much, you will reinforce manifold all your opportunities having recognized a brother, a sister in Spirit, in aspiration to Light, to knowledge, to Devine truths concealed in the depths of subconsciousness of everyone.


If the world gains integrity for the first time in the history of Earth, if the light souls of Earth cease splitting into communities, regarding only themselves as peculiar, faithful, and others similar to them as infidels, you will witness a great wonder of transfiguration and of restoring of the true knowledge on Earth.


Unification of all light souls will enable creating a common prayer as a united call for help. The same sound can be used for synchronization. This sound will merge in space at the wave level, and it can become an important moment for Earth. It can help carry out a significant work on purification at the important moment to come in future.


Those, who will hear and realize can express their attitude to such affirmations.


I take Light into my life.

I become an active worker, a conductor of Light.

I believe that my efforts are not in vain, that Light is more powerful than Darkness.

I believe that changes are necessary and important, that harmony results from joint efforts, joint activity of everyone who defined this position.

Again the world will shine with that primeval light which will be evinced through joint efforts of all light souls.

The world will be purified, and my role in this process is obvious. 

I know, I feel and I see that Light fundamentals are being restored on Earth.

So be peace and Light!

Let the true destination of all existing in this world be restored.

So be it!

Teacher Christ

February 16, 2009



Dear Friends,
we will appreciate very much your participation and desire to share and disseminate this message
and will be grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts