Tag: human energy field

Live broadcasts: new message from June 22, 2021. About the matrix of health and restoration of the human field. Practice

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Teacher's message 01.04.2003

External stimuli inadequately restore the relationship with the energy sheaths, or field layers. The reaction depends on the structure created, or on the development, the creation of interlayers. I spoke about the expansion of the fourth layer, I talked about that part of it that carries the embryonic structure of the fifth layer, and it is the developed fourth part that gives impetus to the maturation of the fifth layer of the energy field. So, let's imagine the structure ...

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Teacher's message 26.03.2003

The manifestation of a person as a person is due to a developed third body, or energy shell. Personality is born from the moment of realizing its individual significance for the world. Personal development and, accordingly, the development of the third shell is not limited by age and time. This development can take place throughout the entire manifested life. And there is no doubt that this involves building up the energy potential, or, figuratively speaking, germinating it ...

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Teacher's message 18.03.2003

The structure of a person is a symbiosis - a combination of an explicit, visible physical body and an invisible energy body. The energy field and the centers of connection - I often talk about this, but I speak from the standpoint of what you know about it. But today I will speak for those who do not understand correctly what we are talking about. Yes, there is an energy ...

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