Tag: chakra system of the earth

Teacher's message 25.11.2014

Let's continue our work. First of all, I want to say that I gave a deliberately difficult task. I gave it in order to see what conclusions you made after the trip, whether you became more discerning, observant, what you learned. And most importantly, I wanted to understand how your thought is working now, in what rhythm, and whether there are any changes. Yes, there are changes. You were in places ...

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Teacher's message 14.11.2014

So, today we will begin the first task that I intend to give at this time. This means that we continue our studies. We talked earlier about the energy structure of not only man, but also your planet - Mother Earth. And now we will continue our conversation. We will speak on the topic "Power points of the Earth in the general scheme of planetary development." And I'll start ...

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01.08.2014 touch

- Father! A bright future is the dream that allows us to look forward to its realization. We wish the lands of Ukraine to prosper and enter the space of a bright future. But on the territory of Ukraine there is the territory of the Carpathians, on which there is a black magic egregor, which, in my opinion, pulls down the entire territory, creates a load, because of which all dreams of ...

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The answer to the question: about a star

Question: Dear Teacher Christ, in the summer we observed an unusual phenomenon - the movement of a very bright star across the sky. Once we witnessed a strange transformation - an inexplicable event when, before our very eyes, a star turned into a spaceship, or rather, became part of a flying object that flew at a short distance from the Earth and landed simply on an unprepared, in our understanding, ...

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Teacher's message 05.10.2012

We are talking about a new time, new consciousness and new thinking. What is happening now? There is an unfolding of the Earth matrix. The magnetic field is undergoing changes. The structure of the frame itself and the supports associated with it are changing. The processes associated with purification - removal of waste energies in separate zones are accelerated. You know what chakras are, funnels that absorb and give up energy. You know what exactly on ...

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Teacher's message 28.09.2010

Let's talk about the Earth's chakra system or its structural field. The differences in similarity with the human energy structure are large. This is rightly noted. And now, in order to see how the structural field works, it is not enough to visualize it in statics, you need to see it in motion. Introduce the sphere, spin it up and clothe it in the covers of the Earth. The earth rotates rhythmically and evenly. AND …

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Teacher's message 21.09.2010

Let's talk about the Earth. I think this topic is very important now, when there are really important changes in the structural field of the planet. The earth is a living organism. You know this and on the basis of this you can come to the conclusion that its structural field has a structure, or that the Earth has a chakra system or channels, centers that participate in the energy exchange of the planet. ...

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