Tag: learning

Message from the Teacher 19.03.2021/1/XNUMX. About the health matrix and the task. Part XNUMX

We have the opportunity at the present moment of time to communicate in the most universal language - the cosmic one. This language is based on telepathy, as an inexhaustible possibility of transmitting thoughts at a distance. And no matter how far the source of the signal transmission, no matter how different the linguistic parameters of expression, the thought knows no boundaries and reaches the addressee if the digital and sound codes are known ...

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Message from the Teacher 26.02.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson fifteen. Visualization practice

So, we will continue our work, and the greatest reward for diligence is the result obtained. It is necessary to strive for it and, most importantly, to note for yourself all the progress in this process. And I repeat once again: if they are not there, then it is necessary to continue until the result is obtained. I hope that the topic of knowing yourself is interesting to you. And there are many more points that have remained unexplored and ...

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Message from the Teacher 26.12.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson fourteen. Opening a corridor for questions

So, the time is approaching when we will be able to fully summarize, in other words - to draw the line, and understand what we have achieved at this stage of comprehension. How close we are to cognition at a new level, when the teacher gives only hints, and the students, accepting them, independently come to the necessary information, comparing which, they make discoveries in important areas of knowledge. And does not matter, …

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Message from the Teacher 18.12.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson thirteen. Mini testing

So we come to the main point of our definition. We are approaching the line that will define and put a lot in their place. And now I will conduct a mini-test. This is your opportunity to determine a lot of things correctly and arrange the resulting information tabs in the necessary cells. Before starting this work, try to tune in to it. It is impossible to find true and accurate in an unbalanced state ...

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Message from the Teacher 15.12.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson twelve. Meditation of Entering the Space of the Earth's Past

Let's continue our communication, and today we will identify the most important topics that will help us determine the future. So, again and again, I return to the science of imagery, which is now lost. And now many words and phrases are devoid of precise figurative analogs, because this most important part of correct identification is considered superfluous and unnecessary. But earlier it was different. Is it possible to transfer communication to the level of ...

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Message from the Teacher 11.12.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson eleven. Summarizing

So, I think the moment has come when we can take stock and define our achievements. And they are, of course they are. The most important achievement is focusing on the topic, identifying it as dominant, and this is important. It is also important that there is a movement in cognition, study, research of the main topic. And there is a division that is very important for understanding and comprehending the topic. Splitting into ...

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Message from the Teacher 4.12.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson ten. About the program of life and promises, about the acceleration of movement

About work, about the task that is now set before you. And most importantly, this is a task that is due to your birth, or, in other words, before your incarnation, you were familiar with the program and gave permission to carry out this work, being part of the group. I'm talking about forgotten but not lost connections. I'm talking about a memory that can ...

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Message from the Teacher 27.11.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson nine. On the restoration of neural connections, visualization, the scheme of energy connections of the brain

So, we continue our communication, and today I will talk about our work. We are trying to restore the lost connections. We are trying to work in the most difficultly organized area for perception - to work at the level of neural connections, developed and restored. What am I trying to say? Only that memory is, relatively speaking, a repository - memories, knowledge, everything accumulated in the conscious period of life. But …

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Message from the Teacher 17.11.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson eight. About energy connections in the chain of energy transmission in the brain and a new clue

We will continue our communication on work, which at the present moment is acquiring new meaning and significance. So, I must subtly summarize. Let it be minimal, but there is a result. What result am I talking about? About the result in the study of the brain. The position is correct. It is the separation of the grains from the chaff that this work requires, the work of mastering important energy connections in the transmission chain ...

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Message from the Teacher 03.11.2020. Learning to the next level. Lesson seven. The parable of man and treasures, the structure of the human cell

New tasks, new work that lies ahead of us. It should allow you to make a tremendous effort and understand what I am trying to say. And I am trying, only trying, to speak to you seriously, very seriously, about those situations in which your help will be needed. And again about the soul, about its journey in the worlds, about how souls enter ...

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