Tag: brain structure

Message from the Teacher 02.10.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson four. Brain diagram

So, we continue our work, and each task that I give reveals a certain, albeit minimal, but layer of knowledge. I am trying, very slowly and carefully, to convey to you some truths that will become the basis, support in our work, but you yourself must discover the essence of these truths through practical work, through a desire to change a lot in yourself. And this …

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Teacher's message 22.12.2017

Let's continue our conversation. We will be thinking about the structure of the brain. First, please take a close look at the sectional diagram of the brain. Try to look carefully, not missing a single detail. Move first from right to left, then vice versa. If you feel like stopping, stop. Today we are starting to work at the level of figurative thinking, and it was not in vain that I asked the question about intuition. ...

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Teacher's message 16.12.2017

Today we will continue the topic we started and will strive to expand it in order to learn more and reach the next, higher level in understanding the coordinated work of all parts and particles to the microstructures of your body. What will it give you? First of all, knowledge and experience, important experience in knowing oneself, and then - experience in managing and controlling ...

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Teacher's message 08.12.2017

So, all your thoughts and wishes for me are clear and understandable, and now the main thing that I am striving for is that between us there was complete acceptance and understanding. I will give simple tasks, in which it is necessary to reveal the essence. Those who understand what is at stake expand the task and their answers as much as possible, those who are just trying to understand, also ...

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Teacher's message 02.09.2016

Your thoughts and answers to questions. Let's talk about it. It is very important for me how you think, in what way, how you formulate the answer to the question. Of course, you understand this, that I want your abilities to open and the brain switches to a different mode, so that the activation process begins. But I also understand that a person whose brain is more active ...

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Teacher's message 30.10.2013

So, today is the moment for summing up the results. The work goes on, continues, and it will continue regardless of all circumstances. And this work awaits those who have accepted the ministry. What am I talking about? What service? I mean in this case the need to be needed, in demand, which means doing something that will bear intangible fruits, which is very difficult ...

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Teacher's message 07.10.2003

Let's continue our conversation about the combination of two transforming principles: energy and biological. Our conversation today will be about the central channel, about the connection centers. It was very important to find all sensations in oneself, to open a different vision through meditation and to depict a diagram of the energy structure, based on the concepts that I say. The scheme has been revealed, and now it is possible to represent more figuratively what about ...

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