Tag: confrontation of two Forces

Live broadcasts: a new message from November 3, 2020. About the situation with the coronavirus, the confrontation of forces, about protection and vigilance


Message from the Teacher 03.11.2020. About the situation with the coronavirus, the opposition of forces, about the protection and the new phase of the Creator's program

We will continue our communication and together we will identify pressing topics and problems. The year will soon come to an end. How do you define it? What was he like for you? The most important thing at this moment in time is to bring yourself to a stable observer position, and at the same time you need to be able to quickly create protection for yourself and remember this. Today I am in ...

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Message from the Teacher 15.09.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the state of affairs on the planet

Today I will again talk about the state of affairs on the planet. I will talk about what is visible to us and what, due to many circumstances and possibilities, is not yet available for you to see. So, one of the important stages of the confrontation is completed, and after the end of one stage, the next one immediately begins, which will be stronger in expression and manifestation ...

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31.07.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX Answer to the question about the possibility of choosing and changing the road for everyone

Question: The Message of 21.12.2000/XNUMX/XNUMX contains the words: "Each of you will be given the opportunity to choose and change the road." Until now, this phrase continues to be expressed in different versions of the sound. What does it mean the opportunity will be given? How will it look in practice? Answer: The question is relevant, it will help us to better understand each other. It will help clarify what I desire ...

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Teacher’s Message on 14.04.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX on the confrontation of forces in the present moment

About the opposition of forces ... It is very great now. In fact, all worlds now have their representatives in order to lead as many people as possible. And each representative proclaims his truth, and therefore it is not difficult to lead now, but it is important to learn, and at this stage it is already possible to distinguish who is leading you, where and in which direction. I will say ...

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Teacher's message 31.12.2019

On the eve of the New Year 2020, I would like to talk about this important event. Twenty years separate you from the beginning of the new century. Do you think, feel, feel, are there any changes in your world at the level of human consciousness? And I foresee the answer of most thinking people: yes, there is. And it is true, there are changes, there is a movement towards the Light, there is ...

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Teacher's message 19.10.2018

Peace to all! We continue our communication, our conversations, which should help in the coming moment to understand a lot. But first, something else. You are familiar with many musical instruments. They all sound differently, even if the same melody is played on them. Each instrument has its own fine tuning, its own special sound. And when all the sounds ...

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