Tag: stream of light

Teacher's message 17.09.2014

Our conversation today will be quite serious, because the time has come to sum up small results. But before summing up, I would like to continue the topic of our assignments. So, I want you to start thinking out of the ordinary, so that you sweep the boundaries between the possible and (in your opinion) the impossible, so that while you accumulate your strength. The time that I have been talking about for so long is approaching. Time ...

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Teacher's message 6.09.2013

We are starting our new communication. Why new? For I hope and see that cohort of people who took in much of what I said and managed to identify the main positions in their life, managed to identify the main tasks that will be able to make life full-fledged, removing everything that is untrue and empty. I appeal to everyone, but to a greater extent to this small, but very ...

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Teacher's message 08.08.2012

So, we talked about your main tasks, about what you are interested in, and about the urgent. From your answers it became clear to me that knowledge is necessary for you and is important for you. Let me explain why. Knowledge, as you rightly noted, is associated with the Stream of Light, with ray, light energy. Knowledge comes to Earth through the energy-information flow, which is subject to ...

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