Tag: streams of the universe

Teacher's message 16.03.2018

Communication ... This word is associated with the identification of the common that arises between us. This common is manifested at the energy level first of all, and then - at the verbal level. At first, we, feeling, are looking for something in common that will help us understand each other. For this you are here - for the knowledge of life in its entirety, for interaction and cooperation, for ...

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Teacher's message 30.12.2014

The year is coming to an end. Summing up is coming to an end. Soon the New Year's Gates will open and you will enter them. Is there clarity in your soul? Is everything correctly understood, considered? There is not much time left to answer these questions. On New Year's Eve, try for a moment to achieve maximum concentration on your plans for the future. About this, oh ...

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Teacher's message 28.09.2012

Let's consider the third concept in the phrase I expressed: new time, new consciousness, new thinking. It's about thinking. And thinking is that important aspect that gives great benefits for development. Thinking is associated with the organizational level of the brain, capable of analyzing using the entire analog database available in the annals of memory, and thinking determines the status of a personality, its achievements in ...

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Teacher's message 10.11.2004

Teacher, you said that "each field layer interacts with the previous and subsequent layers at all levels and is more connected with the integral points of space and the energy centers of the physical body." Integral points of space and centers - I would like to understand these concepts. Are the centers just outflows, or are they an intertwining of incoming and outgoing streams? And integral ...

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