Tag: Parallel Worlds

Live broadcasts: book 9 Cosmos. Part 19. On the differences in communication with parallel civilizations and the world of Space

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Message from the Teacher 20.10.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the current situation and the plans for the management system

We continue to talk on topics of interest to you, and I will answer the question about the intentions of the alien forces. But first let's talk about pressing problems, tasks of this time. And if we direct our attention to the situation in the world of the Earth, then most often, like a refrain, the constantly repeating word "virus", or "covid 19", as you say, sounds. Of course, ours too ...

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14.08.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX Answer to the question about the Creator Jehovah, his energies and his followers

Question: Is the type of person created by the Hierarchy of Jehovah used to incarnate representatives of other Hierarchies on Earth? Are there alternatives? Answer: The question is directed towards the definition of differences. You can rephrase the question, making it simpler and more accessible: are there any differences in the structures of people who are representatives of different worlds and the Creators of the Universe? Particularly, as I understand it, I am interested in the question of representatives ...

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Message from the Teacher 26.06.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the current situation

About the situation at the present moment ... I will certainly inform you about what we see - about changes in the field of the planet. So, what has changed in the field of the planet, what movement and in which direction is visible to us? There is always movement, for it is a living, dynamically pulsating substance of different density levels, which is in constant motion. And of course, what is different ...

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01.05.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX The answer to the question of what is happening now in the sky above the Earth

Question: What is happening now in the sky above the Earth? Many people observe armada of flying objects that fly openly in orderly rows. What happens to Venus or in front of Venus? I observe that periodically in the evening, when one can observe the glow of planets and stars, it becomes like a twelve-rayed flying star, which we have been observing in the sky for several years, from ...

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Teacher's message 19.10.2018

Peace to all! We continue our communication, our conversations, which should help in the coming moment to understand a lot. But first, something else. You are familiar with many musical instruments. They all sound differently, even if the same melody is played on them. Each instrument has its own fine tuning, its own special sound. And when all the sounds ...

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Teacher's message 08.04.2016

We will continue our communication. We will continue to search and find many answers to questions that will help us see this world as a whole. I have spoken and are still talking about a period of 15-20 years. What is it about? What is this period? What will happen and is happening now? The term is small even by earthly standards, for such a period it is difficult to lead to any cardinal ...

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Teacher's message 31.08.2012

The current period has its own characteristics. I talked about safety - let's talk about that. First, I’ll explain very briefly what’s new. This is important because changes follow one another. And those that were relevant at a certain moment become irrelevant at another. So, as I said, the current period has its own characteristics - this, in ...

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Teacher's message 26.08.2011

The moment has come when we need to talk about the main thing. What is the main thing at the moment? This is your inner unshakable strength - willpower and strength of mind, for the time has come when it is necessary to show oneself as a Warrior in all positions. What am I calling for? Only to protect your property. Now is the time for that. What is property? These are those unshakable ...

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