Tag: reasoning

Teacher's message 20.11.2015

Today we will talk about the main thing - about discipline and about assignments. But first, about gratitude. I thank everyone who got involved in the work, thank you for your diligence. And it's true - the road will be mastered by the walking! Life is an endless movement forward, and we are moving along a thin edge, along a mountain path upward. And this is the hard way. Now about less ...

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Teacher's message 28.09.2012

Let's consider the third concept in the phrase I expressed: new time, new consciousness, new thinking. It's about thinking. And thinking is that important aspect that gives great benefits for development. Thinking is associated with the organizational level of the brain, capable of analyzing using the entire analog database available in the annals of memory, and thinking determines the status of a personality, its achievements in ...

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Answer to the question about the prerequisites for the introduction of the Law of Free Will

Question: Dear Teacher, answering the question about the Laws of the Greatest Presence, You described a moment in the history of the Earth when humanity made a request to the Creator with a request to introduce the Law of Free Will. Please tell us more about this. What were the prerequisites for this? Who was able to introduce this idea into the minds of people and who was able to organize the majority to implement this ...

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Teacher's message 21.10.2003

The conversation I'm preparing you for is about structural thinking and different types of thinking. The fact that the thinking that is inherent in you is associated with the Earth, with the frequency that this planet emits, I think you know, as well as the fact that this is a kind of frequency corridor associated with electromagnetic radiation. Structural thinking is associated with these parameters. ...

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Teacher's message 16.09.2003

The question "what is thought?" forces you to think wider, to include something new that can give an expanded vision to this concept. Expanded vision ... Now we will try to look at everything deeper and see the process of thought formation. How does it work? Thought is movement; thought is an energy-informational flow that is structured and directed by the process of thinking - so you say. And I will say differently: ...

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Teacher's message 08.09.2003

The process of identifying and forming thoughts. How does he create conditions for development? Let's talk about it. The topic, which today I will only touch upon, is the main one for the education of basic knowledge about the structure of a person. And before identifying the true capabilities of a person and determining how the identification of true indications for development occurs, we must dwell on the main points of cumulative identification. I …

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Teacher's message 05.07.2003

Consciousness is the filling of the energy structure with energy-information. The ability to structure this energy into layers of the biofield is expressed in the concept of “level of consciousness”. This means that the higher the level of consciousness, the greater the ability to receive energy-information into the layers of the biofield and thereby increase its potential? What role does thinking play here? Is it possible to say that thinking is that operational rational function of consciousness that ...

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