Tag: matrices of consciousness

Teacher's message 04.11.2014

Let's continue our conversation, clarifying what I have said. A new force entered the Earth, in order to cleanse it of everything coarse, obsolete, pernicious, from what pulls downward, interfering with the implementation of the Creator's program. What is it about? What I mean? What kind of power are we talking about? I'm talking about the Creator's program, which, as I said earlier, was developed ...

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Teacher's message 08.08.2012

So, we talked about your main tasks, about what you are interested in, and about the urgent. From your answers it became clear to me that knowledge is necessary for you and is important for you. Let me explain why. Knowledge, as you rightly noted, is associated with the Stream of Light, with ray, light energy. Knowledge comes to Earth through the energy-information flow, which is subject to ...

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Teacher's message 12.08.2011

Now we will speak differently. I spoke figuratively, and each image gets an ambiguous interpretation from you. I say so that you learn to work in a new way, that is, you learn to understand allegorical phrases more accurately, or learn to understand, or identify, unsaid. Each image is an energetic form, this is the information that is embedded in a certain form. Reveal information, or itself ...

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