Tag: Code of honor

The message of the Master 07.04.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX about the difference between the spiritual and technocratic worlds

Let's continue our communication, and at the present moment I want to note the strengthening of protection in the field of the Earth. There are sources that create a certain background, and this background interferes and brings destruction to the situation. This background, as an unbalanced frequency, interferes with the general picture of the world. What I'm talking about? About the obstacles that are created on the earthly level in order to create ...

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The answer to the question about food that is heat treated by fire

Question: DEAR TEACHER! Can food that has been processed by fire contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, ... which remained before heat treatment, because its structure has become "dead"? Let me explain the essence of the question more clearly. In many articles of various "scientists" devoted to the types of dietary nutrition, it is said about the presence in digested food of CALORIES, CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS, etc. I want to correct these "scientists": about the presence ...

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The answer to the question about the animal world

Question: It is very interesting to know about domestic animals such as dogs and cats, horses and cows. If dolphins are an underwater civilization, but horses are also very intelligent animals. Maybe they also belong to some kind of civilization? Do all animals think? What are they thinking about? How do they understand people? What do cats see? Is it possible that each species of animal has its own space ...

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Teacher's message 05.12.2012

So, there are important and positive moments in our movement: we managed to go through those important stages that will form the framework for future achievements. There was a moment that can be more accurately described as transitional. And this moment combined two important parts in the time corridor. And if we manage to move at the current pace, then there will be a new opportunity for changes for the better. I …

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Teacher's message 27.11.2009

... How can the work be structured? To a greater extent, you think correctly, but there are also significant additions. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the shortcomings that prevent you from working at full strength. These imperfections create hindrances and are certainly a reflection of your internal inconsistencies. In order to tune in to work, it is necessary to identify those main holders of the Idea, those principles that ...

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The code of honor allows you to assert those unshakable foundations that will become the pillars of the Spirit for every person, observing which a person firmly confirms his choice - to be faithful to the Light, accepting the foundations of morality and morality of the Spiritual world. Speaking about the code of honor, it is necessary to remember that a person who agrees and accepts it becomes at that moment a servant of the Light. All living things that coexist on planet Earth have ...

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