Tag: key

Message from the Teacher 31.08.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX. About the beginning of a new stage in learning, about closed memory

So today we can give a preparatory lesson. And it will be to some extent decisive for our future work. And now I will give a definition of the very essence of the work. What I'm talking about? Why study? The essence of teaching is to gain knowledge, and you are well aware of this. Knowledge is Light, it helps a person to realize himself as a person. For, ...

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Message from the Teacher 06.04.2021/2/XNUMX. About the health matrix and the task. Part XNUMX

So, we will continue our communication on the topic set by me. And this is the topic - the construction of an individual health matrix. What is her personality based on? First of all, on the uniqueness of each living structure. And this uniqueness leads us to the same approach to identifying our own characteristics, and they certainly are. In the initial stage, we talked about five points of support ...

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Message from the Teacher 27.11.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Learning to the next level. Lesson nine. On the restoration of neural connections, visualization, the scheme of energy connections of the brain

So, we continue our communication, and today I will talk about our work. We are trying to restore the lost connections. We are trying to work in the most difficultly organized area for perception - to work at the level of neural connections, developed and restored. What am I trying to say? Only that memory is, relatively speaking, a repository - memories, knowledge, everything accumulated in the conscious period of life. But …

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19.06.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX Answer to the question about a light image that can unite all light souls

Question: What can be a light image that unites all light souls? And in any case, a bright future awaits us, or is it not defined? Answer: A question about a light image that can unite all light souls, and about the future of the Earth. I'll start with the second question. The image of a bright future ... It is he who, in the precise distribution of all components, all energies, is capable of ...

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Teacher's message 27.01.2017

Question: Not many of us go through life without making mistakes. Throughout life, we create karmic connections - we break laws with thought, word, deed, emotions, feelings. Not everything is stored in memory, not everything can be fully realized. All this is written in everyone's book of life. But we don't have access to it. We cannot do everything ...

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Teacher's message 09.12.2016

So, we will continue our communication and initially remember the task. It turned out to be difficult again, but the level of tasks will constantly increase. I see your potential, I see your opportunities, which are being blocked at this stage. You need to seek out, reveal the strength in yourself, show it, and then all the blocks will be left behind, and you will go forward and work. I would like to …

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The answer to the question about the original inhabitants of the Earth

Question: Dear Teacher, earlier in Your messages you mentioned the original inhabitants of the Earth. Please tell us more about them. Why are there so few of them left? (Denis) Answer: So, the question that I have been waiting for a long time is the question about the original inhabitants of the Earth. Who are they? Who am I talking about? This answer is important for those who are trying to form a holistic picture of the worlds ...

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Teacher's message 25.07.2012

Today is the day that is important for the life of earthlings. Why is it important? Day out of time. Is there such a concept in the world of Space? Yes, I have. What day is this? Imagine a stream of water that flows in a certain direction every day, this stream fills everything that comes in its path with moisture. One day this stream stops, and on this day you can ...

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Teacher's message 13.06.2012

There are important points to pay attention to. I repeat once again, I speak now only with those who have ears and hear, I speak with those who have managed to determine and reveal their path. There is no other way now. Time makes adjustments, and now we have come to the most important line - the final one. You may not see it yet, but ...

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Teacher's message 15.05.2012

Dear friends, I want to speak to those who have shown a willingness to take action. I said in the parable of the garden that under any conditions the garden will bloom and the beginning of this bloom has been laid. I said that in your world it is possible to say "black" in white. And it is precisely this possibility of replacing true concepts with substituted ones that creates the most difficult conditions for passing ...

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