Tag: ball of thread

Teacher's message 24.02.2017

The world before the Flood ... Unknown, not reflected in the history known to you ... Why I raise this topic, you will soon become clear. And, as I explained earlier, the Earth has experienced many cataclysms in its entire history, including more than one flood, and the story that is known to you affects only a small layer of ongoing events on ...

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Teacher's message 3.02.2017

Spirit, soul - these concepts, as many in your world believe, unprovable. Much, that which is visible only at the level of energies, can be attributed to the category of unprovable concepts in the world of matter. But there is also a look from the inside - this soul often looks in a special way from its temporary abode - the body. This look is often shrewd and somewhat mysterious ...

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Teacher's message 27.01.2017

Question: Not many of us go through life without making mistakes. Throughout life, we create karmic connections - we break laws with thought, word, deed, emotions, feelings. Not everything is stored in memory, not everything can be fully realized. All this is written in everyone's book of life. But we don't have access to it. We cannot do everything ...

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