Tag: Truth

Teacher's message 24.07.2013

Today I want to talk in more detail on the topic of reunification. I delivered the first message from the Center for the Galactic Community of Planetary Systems back in 2000. There are the following words: “... Christianity, like other religions, must become a thing of the past, and a new religion will come to replace them - a single faith in our Creator, faith in the One Who rules now ...

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The answer to the question about the original inhabitants of the Earth

Question: Dear Teacher, earlier in Your messages you mentioned the original inhabitants of the Earth. Please tell us more about them. Why are there so few of them left? (Denis) Answer: So, the question that I have been waiting for a long time is the question about the original inhabitants of the Earth. Who are they? Who am I talking about? This answer is important for those who are trying to form a holistic picture of the worlds ...

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Teacher's message 19.03.2013

Today we will continue our conversation, which will help each of you to come to an understanding of many important, and I would even say key, concepts. This is the foundation on which the new building will be built - a new worldview and worldview. In order to build a new building, the site is initially cleared. After that, they lay the foundation on which it will stand - and initially it will be built ...

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Teacher's message 03.06.2011

For the first time in the history of mankind, new knowledge is presented in a combined perspective. And you can come to a complete understanding through diligence and knowledge about the physical properties of matter, about the biological structure. Earthly knowledge plays an important role in those areas that are constantly updated, refined with the help of modern diagnostic capabilities. I will talk about the human soul from the standpoint of modern times. And ...

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Teacher's message 18.04.2003

So, I will talk about meditation. What's happening? Why does the practice I indicated create confusion? I will talk about the fundamental differences between the practice of meditation that I propose and other practices you know. This conversation is quite serious and principled. I understand that there are established connections, there are mental attitudes and it is very difficult to enter a new stream, throwing off the burden of old attitudes. More …

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