Tag: intuition

Teacher's message 22.12.2017

Let's continue our conversation. We will be thinking about the structure of the brain. First, please take a close look at the sectional diagram of the brain. Try to look carefully, not missing a single detail. Move first from right to left, then vice versa. If you feel like stopping, stop. Today we are starting to work at the level of figurative thinking, and it was not in vain that I asked the question about intuition. ...

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Teacher's message 16.12.2017

Today we will continue the topic we started and will strive to expand it in order to learn more and reach the next, higher level in understanding the coordinated work of all parts and particles to the microstructures of your body. What will it give you? First of all, knowledge and experience, important experience in knowing oneself, and then - experience in managing and controlling ...

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Teacher's message 05.08.2014

Today we will continue our conversation on the topic - the activation of the expanded work of the brain. So, part of the work has been determined - this is alignment, starting with the energy matrices. Let's take a closer look at what an energy matrix is. As you know, the matrix - in translation - the root cause - it contains a diagram, a drawing of an object, its image and an energy sample, in which the form, frame and ...

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The answer to the question of the possibilities of predicting disasters for many animals

Q: During the tsunami that devastated the coasts of nine Asian countries in December 2004, about 300 thousand people died, but only a small number of animals died. How can this be explained? There are a great many hypotheses, assumptions and guesses on the topic of unusual animal behavior. How to explain the anticipatory response of many animals? (Alexander) Answer: A question about the possibilities of foreseeing disasters by many animals. This is a question ...

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