Tag: reunion

Teacher's message 24.07.2013

Today I want to talk in more detail on the topic of reunification. I delivered the first message from the Center for the Galactic Community of Planetary Systems back in 2000. There are the following words: “... Christianity, like other religions, must become a thing of the past, and a new religion will come to replace them - a single faith in our Creator, faith in the One Who rules now ...

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Teacher's message 13.07.2011

Let's continue our conversation about the soul. Let's talk about your ability to coordinate your field, your energies. It is important. What can be done to more accurately and, one might say, accurately understand everything that happens in the current world? How to become a self-sufficient person who is able to know a lot and apply knowledge in his life? Many nowadays accept knowledge only on the basis of energy-information, storing ...

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