Tag: vibration corridor

04.03.2014 touch

- By what parameters can the demonic world be recognized? How to define it? - The demonic world has many faces. You are right, child, when you think of their dominance. But did not people themselves, of their own free will, allow this? They reproach God for allowing a lot, but man himself creates a passage for these forces into his soul. Everything happens according to the laws of the world ...

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Teacher's message 13.07.2011

Let's continue our conversation about the soul. Let's talk about your ability to coordinate your field, your energies. It is important. What can be done to more accurately and, one might say, accurately understand everything that happens in the current world? How to become a self-sufficient person who is able to know a lot and apply knowledge in his life? Many nowadays accept knowledge only on the basis of energy-information, storing ...

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