Tag: energy structure

Message from the Teacher 06.04.2021/2/XNUMX. About the health matrix and the task. Part XNUMX

So, we will continue our communication on the topic set by me. And this is the topic - the construction of an individual health matrix. What is her personality based on? First of all, on the uniqueness of each living structure. And this uniqueness leads us to the same approach to identifying our own characteristics, and they certainly are. In the initial stage, we talked about five points of support ...

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Teacher's message 30.09.2016

So, we continue to work, and I insist that work becomes an integral part of your life - daily and constant, persistent and active. You understand this - you need diligence to achieve a result. And now we are starting our new occupation, which has the goal of discovering your own abilities. I'm not talking about memory in vain, I ...

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Teacher's message 18.12.2015

Work awaits us, work that no one will do for us. I expect that at the present moment those who, according to their indicators, can participate in this work, are gathering. And so we started working. What do I expect and where should we arrive? First of all, of course, I want you to feel like harmonious people and your ...

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Teacher's message 11.12.2015

Let's continue our work. With the help of this work, the hidden files of your memory should be revealed, relatively speaking, and you should remember a lot. But this will happen on one condition, if you define for yourself - who you are, what dominates you. And this definition will allow you to move to a new stage of existence. Yes, I'm talking about Spirit, soul ...

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Teacher's message 13.11.2015

So, we have passed a certain very initial stage. This is a small step that we took. More about the results later. First, about the goal. The goal is to achieve maximum concentration of force on the visualized object. Imaginative thinking is built on visualization. And a person becomes like God when he masters this lost science. Why? Only because the power of prayer will be expressed in the image ...

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Teacher's message 03.04.2015

So, I will talk about work, about what we see and what we expect from you. First of all, about places of power. We will need to work with three points at the initial stage. Why is it so important? And what am I calling you to? First of all, I would like us to work out the main schemes. What am I talking about? ...

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21.08.2014 touch

- Father! Please, explain: You spoke about the crystalline entities-invaders, and now they are talking about the crystalline children who are now coming to Earth. What is the difference? - There are many important things that are defined by similar terms, but in this case the difference is very large. What is it? - you ask, and I will talk about it. I was talking about those ...

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07.08.2014 touch

- Father! I want to ask a question on a topic that reflects the dark side of Christianity - the Inquisition. Inquisitors destroyed, ruthlessly destroyed people. Who are they? How did you get close to Christianity? How did they manage to capture all the purest and brightest that the Teacher left - the Teaching of Love? - Child, let's talk about this topic, which will reveal, as you said, ...

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Teacher's message 11.07.2014

Today, I wish to continue our work. And we will continue our conversation about the energy structure and the human brain. I want to talk about the original idea of ​​human development and the adjustments made. The Initial Idea is associated with the Creator, a creative, creative energy that gives a plan, or a concisely expressed essence of an idea, on expansion, the disclosure of which many servants work. The idea accommodates in ...

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Teacher's message 03.06.2014

So, about the task that was asked earlier. What has been identified and has anything been identified? We are now entering a period in which we begin the preparation needed to expand consciousness and change thinking. As you can imagine, these are interrelated concepts. We will talk about what raises the level of consciousness, what changes thinking and, most importantly, what can give ...

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