Tag: energy-information flow

Teacher's message 16.03.2018

Communication ... This word is associated with the identification of the common that arises between us. This common is manifested at the energy level first of all, and then - at the verbal level. At first, we, feeling, are looking for something in common that will help us understand each other. For this you are here - for the knowledge of life in its entirety, for interaction and cooperation, for ...

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Teacher's message 09.03.2018

Today we will continue the process of comprehending what was said earlier and follow what comes first. We are talking about the flow of energies, which we call energy-informational. This means that this flow of energies is structured by information. What I mean by “flow” is primarily related to energy, which is the fundamental force of our universe. The flow of energies may not be ...

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Teacher's message 02.03.2018

We continue our communication again and continue the topic of our training. But initially I will allow myself to digress and talk about the events in the world. What is happening at the present moment with the Earth, on the territory of the Earth? There are important points to which I would like to draw your attention. There are zones on Earth that are closely monitored by ...

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Teacher's message 23.02.2018

So, we come to the main concepts that play a key role in the future transformation. We are starting to understand them. And the first thing I draw attention to is an increase in the level of consciousness, without which it is impossible to achieve the necessary changes in the system. It is from the awareness of important, key spiritual concepts, from the moment of structuring the entire spiritual-conceptual system, that the first one will begin ...

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Teacher's message 26.02.2016

Today we will devote our communication to answering questions. There are many questions, and therefore the answers will be given only to some of them. The topic of questions is connected with breathing, with the substance that we call prana, the force that makes it possible for all living things to exist. We talked about helium as a chemical element, a conductor of the energy of life, the energy of love, but how ...

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Teacher's message 30.12.2014

The year is coming to an end. Summing up is coming to an end. Soon the New Year's Gates will open and you will enter them. Is there clarity in your soul? Is everything correctly understood, considered? There is not much time left to answer these questions. On New Year's Eve, try for a moment to achieve maximum concentration on your plans for the future. About this, oh ...

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Teacher's message 19.12.2014

The year is coming to an end. This year has left an indelible mark on your mind, thinking, its event outline was not easy. This year has allowed me to show and realize a lot. To show aspirations, to reveal the potential of the Spirit, to realize your important place in all events that occur. Was everything going according to plan? I will say that everything happened in the canvas set aside for this, the boundaries of which were ...

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Teacher's message 03.06.2014

So, about the task that was asked earlier. What has been identified and has anything been identified? We are now entering a period in which we begin the preparation needed to expand consciousness and change thinking. As you can imagine, these are interrelated concepts. We will talk about what raises the level of consciousness, what changes thinking and, most importantly, what can give ...

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Teacher's message 28.05.2014

New time, new consciousness, new thinking. This thesis is relevant at a time when some foundations are replaced by others, in times of change. And you got just such a fate - to live in times of change. Those changes that are expected can radically change human existence. Do people want this? This is the main question, the answer to which can trigger many ...

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Teacher's message 27.12.2013

There was a short break in our work. And this time was given to you for reflection, for independent work. And there is movement. Many have already understood that all searches for truth must be carried out in themselves. And it is this path that leads to stimulation, and then to the opening of vital points of the body systems. And today we will give a visualization lesson. Brain diagram ...

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