Tag: phase of the day

The answer to the question: what is the period of night in the global Universe?

Question: What is the period of night in the global universal understanding? (Elena) Answer: The question is important, and a lot depends on the correct understanding of the answer to it. You understand that according to the Law of Alternation, different cycles alternate in a specific given rhythm. This rhythm is associated with many parameters of the Earth. This rhythm is associated with the processes that, relatively speaking, protect the planet, preserve its status ...

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The answer to the question: what is the Christ consciousness?

Question: Teacher, please answer the question - what is Christ consciousness? (Elena) Answer: A question about Christ consciousness. I thought and think now that the answer to this question could be composed by you. I would like you to be able to systematize knowledge, find keys in it to open the information you need. And if your information or, better to say, ...

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Teacher's message 10.04.2012

To work, seeking new things in all areas, is a rewarding business. Each of you tried to show diligence. But the work is not over yet, it is just beginning. There are also important points that have not been found, have not been discovered. But you are close to what I wanted to talk to you about. There is material that you have already found. Let's try to talk about him. Star Wars ... is it really ...

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