Tag: Transformation

Teacher's message 29.07.2016

So, from this moment we can begin our preparation for future work. Work again - you might say, but it is for work that I communicate. And this communication is aimed at changes not only in your consciousness and thinking, but also in the whole world. The world is the space of the Earth, which is filled with many forms of life and the task ...

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Teacher's message 04.03.2016

Today I will allow myself to make a digression and talk on a free topic. I would like to summarize a little of our work. And just as there are moments of rest at school, or vacations, so in our studies we also need a short break. And this is the moment when we can think about the results of our work. So, it is necessary to summarize and understand: ...

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Teacher's message 20.11.2015

Today we will talk about the main thing - about discipline and about assignments. But first, about gratitude. I thank everyone who got involved in the work, thank you for your diligence. And it's true - the road will be mastered by the walking! Life is an endless movement forward, and we are moving along a thin edge, along a mountain path upward. And this is the hard way. Now about less ...

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Teacher's message 25.09.2015

With the onset of autumn, a person's mood changes. Autumn adjusts to work, to study. And I intend to continue our work and the topic of the brain and human cells. But in order for me to speak fully, you also need to decide whether you want to learn. Many circumstances interrupted our training. We failed to accomplish many things, but ...

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Teacher's message 17.09.2014

Our conversation today will be quite serious, because the time has come to sum up small results. But before summing up, I would like to continue the topic of our assignments. So, I want you to start thinking out of the ordinary, so that you sweep the boundaries between the possible and (in your opinion) the impossible, so that while you accumulate your strength. The time that I have been talking about for so long is approaching. Time ...

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Teacher's message 28.05.2014

New time, new consciousness, new thinking. This thesis is relevant at a time when some foundations are replaced by others, in times of change. And you got just such a fate - to live in times of change. Those changes that are expected can radically change human existence. Do people want this? This is the main question, the answer to which can trigger many ...

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Teacher's message 27.12.2013

There was a short break in our work. And this time was given to you for reflection, for independent work. And there is movement. Many have already understood that all searches for truth must be carried out in themselves. And it is this path that leads to stimulation, and then to the opening of vital points of the body systems. And today we will give a visualization lesson. Brain diagram ...

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Teacher's message 9.10.2013

Each stage of our work has its own tasks, and the main thing is what I came to in my communication with you, what conclusions did I draw: first, given your capabilities (not the capabilities of individual individuals, but the capabilities of a group of people as a whole), it is necessary to speak in a modern language, clearly explaining the essence of the above, the essence of the question. Second, different levels of perception allow me to seek and ...

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Teacher's message 4.10.2013

So, we begin a new stage, a new work, to which those who are focused on it, those who are ready, will begin. But training at the level at which I conduct it is not limited to identifying poor students and repeaters, in order to give grades and identify excellent students. We will solve those tasks that each has defined for himself, those tasks, ...

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Teacher's message 9.08.2013

Our conversation will now be built on the main points, the moments that define the new era. So, there are the main features of the new era, and you can determine them yourself. I, for my part, will share with you my vision: A new era, the beginning of a new era. Why did a new countdown begin in those old years? A new countdown began from the moment ...

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