Tag: memory of the Spirit

Teacher's message 11.08.2017

(…) As you know, memory is that imperishable treasure that is the property of the Spirit. Without the opening of memory, the Spirit cannot enter into its rights and often loses itself, that is, it does not manifest itself in union with the soul. Yes, the Spirit does not manifest its individuality, its I, with a closed memory. Memory is an invaluable treasure of the Spirit, in ...

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Teacher's message 30.09.2016

So, we continue to work, and I insist that work becomes an integral part of your life - daily and constant, persistent and active. You understand this - you need diligence to achieve a result. And now we are starting our new occupation, which has the goal of discovering your own abilities. I'm not talking about memory in vain, I ...

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Teacher's message 18.12.2015

Work awaits us, work that no one will do for us. I expect that at the present moment those who, according to their indicators, can participate in this work, are gathering. And so we started working. What do I expect and where should we arrive? First of all, of course, I want you to feel like harmonious people and your ...

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Teacher's message 15.05.2015

Every job involves getting a result. Have you changed along the way? If results are visible, identify them. What happened to each of you during this time - have your views on the world changed? Do you feel it thinner? Do you feel that the world is changing rapidly? And if yes, you feel, then believe that at this time there is no ...

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