Tag: new era

15.05.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX The answer to the question of human vibrations and the future of mankind

Question: What vibrations make up human vibrations and at what levels do vibrations vibrate ... Is there a possibility that humanity will not correspond to new vibrations and will be expelled from the space of the Earth? Answer: So, our conversation again comes down to the same topic, to those processes that are currently taking place on Earth, about the fate of your civilization. Is there a possibility ...

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Teacher's message 28.12.2018

There are periods in the life of the Earth as a planet that play an important, one might say, fundamental role in its development. And all periods and cycles of its life are associated with the filling of energy, with its qualitative composition. Changes on the planet are primarily related to the flow of energies. And I hope you will not deny that your life is completely and completely dependent ...

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Teacher's message 08.04.2016

We will continue our communication. We will continue to search and find many answers to questions that will help us see this world as a whole. I have spoken and are still talking about a period of 15-20 years. What is it about? What is this period? What will happen and is happening now? The term is small even by earthly standards, for such a period it is difficult to lead to any cardinal ...

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Teacher's message 04.03.2016

Today I will allow myself to make a digression and talk on a free topic. I would like to summarize a little of our work. And just as there are moments of rest at school, or vacations, so in our studies we also need a short break. And this is the moment when we can think about the results of our work. So, it is necessary to summarize and understand: ...

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Teacher's message 08.01.2016

We will continue our communication. Today we will talk about a topic that is important at the present moment. And this topic is connected with the coming of the New 2016. What do you expect to receive in the coming year? I would like to be a little bit in the role of Santa Claus and hear your wishes. And, most importantly, help you in their implementation. New Year ... What changes ...

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Teacher's message 04.09.2015

So, I will continue our work. From now on, I ask to read these texts only to those who feel the strength in themselves for work, for we are getting down to work. Remember the main thing, you need to act harmoniously, you need to achieve this, you need to work, you need to act quickly, at the right time. I urge you to be quick, harmonious, I urge you to increase your efficiency, for we need to stop many ...

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Teacher's message 9.10.2013

Each stage of our work has its own tasks, and the main thing is what I came to in my communication with you, what conclusions did I draw: first, given your capabilities (not the capabilities of individual individuals, but the capabilities of a group of people as a whole), it is necessary to speak in a modern language, clearly explaining the essence of the above, the essence of the question. Second, different levels of perception allow me to seek and ...

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Teacher's message 9.08.2013

Our conversation will now be built on the main points, the moments that define the new era. So, there are the main features of the new era, and you can determine them yourself. I, for my part, will share with you my vision: A new era, the beginning of a new era. Why did a new countdown begin in those old years? A new countdown began from the moment ...

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Teacher's message 28.06.2013

The place that I have appointed is a place where all the bright thoughts and thoughts of people who are ready to accept the renewal of this world will flock. And this place will have a name, and it will become a powerful place destined to become the New Jerusalem. And the day will come when people will understand what this is about. The city on the top of the mountain is visible to everyone, and you can't ...

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Teacher's message 25.12.2012

We talked about the end, now we will boldly and confidently talk about the beginning. When a child is born, he needs help and support. Everything new, everything that has just passed the necessary ripening process to reveal the readiness of coming into this world, for birth, needs care, because it takes time for growing up, in order to gain strength and become on ...

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