Tag: Love

Congratulations to Elena on the 21st anniversary of accepting the ministry!

Congratulations to Elena Novosvit on the 21st anniversary of accepting the ministry! Happy Service Day! 21 is a full age! We wish you perfection and harmony, beauty and joy, love and happiness. May the Light of the Creator always shine in the soul and radiate into this world! Happy Holidays! Live video on YouTube: Festive Live on Facebook:

Live broadcasts: new message dated March 9, 2021. About the current situation, about the moment of choice, about the gift of love. About the constellation Orion

Live broadcasts: book 6 Answers to questions. Part 32. On the covenant of celibacy and love

Live broadcasts: book 5 Answers to questions. Part 26. Why Christ Needed the Experience of an Earthly Man

Book 5 Answers to Questions ... Published MESSAGE TO AWAKENING HUMANITY Saturday, Sunday 5th 2020 r.  

Message of the Master 19.05.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX about the soul and true Love

Those who have already awakened their souls have a lot in common - and this commonality is associated with a new relationship with the world and new parameters of the soul. The soul is a subtle, sometimes the most subtle instrument, initially tuned to the highest, Divine frequencies, and it is at this highest level that deep knowledge takes place, which develops intuition and clear vision. Let me explain, soul ...

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15.07.2013 touch

- Father! Why is everything in this world so confusing? Most people do not remember You, do not believe in Your Great creative Power, they live in hatred, forgetting about love. This world, created in Love, is filled with entities that are far from recognizing the Power of Love, far from the true sensations of Love. People eat those who have souls, those who feed them ...

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Teacher's message 20.05.2009

Teacher, how true are the thoughts that the energy of Love has its own status, conditioned by a number of regularities and laws, the violation of which leads to a re-transformation of this energy and the loss of that status by it that allows it to be called Love? What are the laws of the energy of Love itself? Perhaps, in the world of the Earth they have their own characteristics, since here the energy of Love acquires those ...

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Teacher's message 18.02.2009

Teacher, how exactly is the transfer of the energy of love to the low frequency range? How does the transformation of the energy of love into destruction take place? What are the reasons? What exactly contributes to this? How is this happening? Should the explanation be sought at the level of energetic interactions, at the level of consciousness, thinking, or existing concepts? Is it possible to transform the energy of love into the energy of destruction? And if so ...

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Teacher's message 28.01.2009

Sometimes you get the feeling that the person you are in love with is surrounded by a special field of attraction that affects those around you in a strange way - they also begin to feel attraction to this person and fall in love with him. Can a person's falling in love so transform his field? What actually happens at the level of energies in the field of the person with whom they are in love, and ...

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Message Teacher 22.10. Xnumx

How to find an explanation for such a feature of human nature as falling in love? Why is one person so amorous, while the other has never fallen in love like that in his entire life? The question is about the qualitative differences in human behavior, about the variety of features that are associated with the manifestations of the energy of love. Let's talk about it. Each person has his own unique characteristics, this is due to ...

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