Tag: spirituality

Teacher's message 24.07.2013

Today I want to talk in more detail on the topic of reunification. I delivered the first message from the Center for the Galactic Community of Planetary Systems back in 2000. There are the following words: “... Christianity, like other religions, must become a thing of the past, and a new religion will come to replace them - a single faith in our Creator, faith in the One Who rules now ...

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Teacher's message 16.07.2008

Any relationship between a woman and a man leaves peculiar imprints in her field and at the level of energies create a certain influence on future children. Does this relationship have a similar effect on the male gender? Such a phenomenon as telegony is now being studied and researched. But does a woman and a man, who consciously decided to become parents, have the opportunity to cleanse themselves of ...

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