Tag: manifestation time

Live broadcasts: a new message from December 1, 2020. About the time of manifestation taking place on the energy and physical planes and recommendations


Teacher's message 21.01.2015

Let's continue our work. At the present moment it can and should be active, for the activation of the forces of the opposite side is obvious. Now they are more active than ever, mobile and have new plans. And our task is to defend, defend all positions, all borders, including your habitat. It is important that you can understand that to be active in the present ...

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Teacher's message 17.02.2012

The moment has come when it is possible to tell a lot, while through images. Now we will be able to communicate as before. I said that the period was quite difficult. What am I talking about? The position of the planet was such that the rays of Light were manifested in a minimal amount. Now a new period has come, in which much will be completed. I want to answer those who do not know how to classify me, ...

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The answer to the question about protection from the influence of the electromagnetic field created by the monitor while working with a computer

Question: Dear Teacher! Let me ask you a question that worries many people today who work and spend most of their time at the computer. The question of protecting eyesight from the effects of the monitor screen. Scientists have now proven that while working behind the monitor screen, eye "blinking" is significantly reduced. Reduction of blinking then leads to drying of a thin tear layer and due to this ...

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