Tag: God the Creator

The answer to the question about the lost laws of the Greatest Presence

Question: Master, You mentioned in Your message about the lost Laws of the Greatest Presence. Please tell us more about them. Thanks to! (Denis) Answer: The question is important, and it shows your interest in deep knowledge and worthy for understanding only by those who have grown up to this. So the Laws of the Greatest Presence ... What do I mean by this? Now we need ...

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The answer to the question about protection from the influence of the electromagnetic field created by the monitor while working with a computer

Question: Dear Teacher! Let me ask you a question that worries many people today who work and spend most of their time at the computer. The question of protecting eyesight from the effects of the monitor screen. Scientists have now proven that while working behind the monitor screen, eye "blinking" is significantly reduced. Reduction of blinking then leads to drying of a thin tear layer and due to this ...

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Teacher's message 16.08.2011

A new understanding of the world is that important truth that should be revealed on the eve of tremendous changes on planet Earth. The Earth changes its vibrations, parameters, structure, changes the protein code, and the transformation of both the planet itself and most of humanity depends on the assimilation of many important and serious truths that essentially change the worldview of earthlings. New worldview. What's this? This is the one ...

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Teacher's message 22.06.2011

What can I say about the rampant dark forces near Kiev? This is a planned action that aims to make a coup. What is it about? It's about the unification of all light forces on planet Earth. With those who have chosen their own path and determined their cooperation with the forces, as they themselves determine, dark, unification is impossible. Unification is possible only with ...

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Teacher's message 27.05.2011

The reasons for many phenomena are difficult to understand. There are phenomena that are conditioned by the peculiarities of your world, but very often something happens that does not fit into the plans and programs of the spiritual world. What I'm talking about? I am talking about the peculiarities of the manifestations of heterogeneous energies. In order to clarify what we are talking about, imagine a thin cord that pulls together, or holds, an unbearable load. ...

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The code of honor allows you to assert those unshakable foundations that will become the pillars of the Spirit for every person, observing which a person firmly confirms his choice - to be faithful to the Light, accepting the foundations of morality and morality of the Spiritual world. Speaking about the code of honor, it is necessary to remember that a person who agrees and accepts it becomes at that moment a servant of the Light. All living things that coexist on planet Earth have ...

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