Archive November 2012

Teacher's message 30.11.2012

We will continue our conversation about work, about what needs to be paid attention to in the present moment. First of all - to prepare for a new job. I constantly talk about this, because a lot is changing and the need to act quickly remains relevant, but at the same time I support your desire to do work with high quality and attentiveness. I was talking about ...

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Teacher's message 23.11.2012

The moment is coming when I will speak fully about the acceleration of movement. What is it for? Now it is simply necessary. Imagine that the date that many people are now broadcasting as the date of the end of time is really a starting point. And then what? Consider that before this time, you have a lot to finish, complete and take stock. ...

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Teacher's message 14.11.2012

Not much time has passed, but we can already talk about changes, changes in many areas and spheres of human existence. First of all, I want to say that this year has allowed many souls to be exposed, allowed to survive rather difficult trials. And much of the secret, I mean the mood of the soul, became clear. Every person who is ready to accept service, and even earlier ...

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