Archive September 2012

Teacher's message 28.09.2012

Let's consider the third concept in the phrase I expressed: new time, new consciousness, new thinking. It's about thinking. And thinking is that important aspect that gives great benefits for development. Thinking is associated with the organizational level of the brain, capable of analyzing using the entire analog database available in the annals of memory, and thinking determines the status of a personality, its achievements in ...

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The answer to the question about the nature of the purifying energy field of fire

Question: Master, on Sunday we did a meditation as you advised us. Each of us tried to see those energy threads that prevent him from moving in spiritual development, tried to understand the reasons for their occurrence and take a fresh look, without pain and resentment, at our past ... Some of us in a state of meditation saw fire ... how this fire engulfed them ... Explain ...

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The answer to the question about changes in the vibrations of the Earth and the influence of these processes on the fate of people

Question: Teacher, during this period the Earth changes its name. Does this mean that everything living on it undergoes the same transformation of its program, its name? As far as I understand, this is also an opportunity for us to get rid of the burdens of the past and, having adopted a new name, to engage in a better quality of work? If so, please tell us how we should proceed ...

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The answer to the question of the possibilities of predicting disasters for many animals

Q: During the tsunami that devastated the coasts of nine Asian countries in December 2004, about 300 thousand people died, but only a small number of animals died. How can this be explained? There are a great many hypotheses, assumptions and guesses on the topic of unusual animal behavior. How to explain the anticipatory response of many animals? (Alexander) Answer: A question about the possibilities of foreseeing disasters by many animals. This is a question ...

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Teacher's message 07.09.2012

What is happening now is connected not only with energy processes in the solar system itself and the planet Earth, but also with all living organisms interacting in this world. And if we expand our vision and think in deeper categories, then the world will respond in the same way. The update process has started, it is associated with the tasks set for ...

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Answer to the question about the prerequisites for the introduction of the Law of Free Will

Question: Dear Teacher, answering the question about the Laws of the Greatest Presence, You described a moment in the history of the Earth when humanity made a request to the Creator with a request to introduce the Law of Free Will. Please tell us more about this. What were the prerequisites for this? Who was able to introduce this idea into the minds of people and who was able to organize the majority to implement this ...

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